Chapter 34- Epilogue

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If you enjoyed this work, keep your eyes open for my other works of fiction, maybe even a sequel involving the offspring of some of the characters? I began this story when I was 15 years old. Since then, this story has grown up along side me and I would like to thank everyone who had read this fanfiction. I hope the magical world of fiction stays with you the same way Harry Potter stuck with me.

Addy POV

Years later, we stood where it all began.

Kingscross Station. Platform 9 3/4. The Hogwarts Express.

For each and every one of us, the memories were brought back, as they were every year, despite all of us having long ago left Hogwarts behind for the real word.

I remember the first time I was here. Fred and George promising to send me back a Hogwarts toilet seat to stop me crying. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

After Draco broke the news that night, I had wept until I couldn't feel anymore. My brother was gone. My brother had lost his twin, his other half. My parents had lost a son. George was never the same after losing Fred, always turning to share a joke or a look with someone who was never there. Eventually he reconciled with the fact that Fred was gone. He married and was expecting his first child with Angeline Johnson.

Ron and Hermione had finally gotten together. They married and had two children, a son and a daughter who I doted upon. They were happy together, and had every right to be after all they had been through.

When Harry returned from the battle of Hogwarts to find a baby with black hair and green eyes in the arms of his girlfriend, he broke down in tears and held them for hours. They married shortly after and had two more children, Albus Severus and Lily Luna, along with their adopted brother, Teddy Lupin. Tonks and Remus had died in the battle, leaving Harry as godfather to their only son. They were a happy family.

Fleur and Bill finally settled down. Despite reservations about Bill's wolffish tendencies, Fleur finally convinced him that any children they had would be loved no matter what. And their first daughter was very loved by everyone. Veela blood has that effect on people, I suppose.

And Draco and I? We got married about a year after the Battle of Hogwarts. Our son was born 10 months later.

Draco and I stood holding hands as we watched Allissia, now a tall white blonde beauty, take our daughter's hand and lead her onto the train. Little Molly turned to look at us, her rose gold ringlets falling into her face as she waved goodbye to us. Our son, Scorpius stood with his friends, grinning at something with long hairy legs trying to crawl out of the box Teddy held in his hands.

The whistle blew and everyone on the platform began boarding the train. I watched as my children hung out of the windows, waving goodbye to us on the platform, and my heart swelled.

Draco leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Do you think they'll have as many adventures as we did?" He murmured in my ear. I turned to him, the man I loved, and gave him a long look.

"Of course they will," I smiled, a feeling of content spreading through my chest, "after all, it is Hogwarts."

The End

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