Chapter 12- The Truth Emerges

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Chapter 12

Addy POV

The next morning when I woke, I couldn't help but think what had transpired last night had been a dream. It had been so amazing. I sat in my bed for awhile, just thinking.

I knew I was falling in love with Draco Malfoy.

But what kind of trouble would come from it?

I knew what everyone thought about him, especially since his father was in Azkaban. Everyone believed that he was a Deatheater.

Normally, that thought would've terrified me. But for some reason, I didn't care. Was I losing my mind? I didn't think so. But who was I to judge my current state of mind. I sighed stretching myself out luxuriously. I rolled over and saw Hermione stirring.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully.

"Good morning." She said groggily.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked.

"Ugh nothing! I feel dreadful." Hermione groaned.

I rose from my bed and walked to her, placing my hand gently on her head. She was burning up.

"Hermione, your ill. I agree that you will be doing nothing but sleeping today."

She groaned and curled up, falling back into sleep.

I turned to Ginny's bed. Ginny was curled up pretending to be asleep.

I sighed. It had been nearly a month and Ginny and I had barely spoken. I regretted it. And obviously, I was going to have to be the one to offer peace.

"You can quit pretending to be asleep Gin." I said, sitting on the end of her bed.

Her eyes flicked open. She looked wary.

"Good morning." I said, smiling tentatively.

"Hello." She said, smiling back just as nervous.

"So, Hermione is ill. We had plans... to go into Hogsmeade today, and I was wondering if you would join me?" I asked, the words spilling out quickly.

Her smile faded.

"Oh well I was going to go with Harry..." She said her voice trailing off.

"That's alright, he can, come along." I said feeling sick to my stomach.

Ginny looked shocked.

"Really?" She said, her eyes wide.

"Yeah, of course." I said quickly.

"Alright then." She said smiling.

She rose from the bed and began dressing. I followed suit and when I turned around I couldn't help but laugh. Ginny and I were dressed exactly the same, but different colors.

I was wearing black skinny jeans and a green and black button up sweater over a while t-shirt.

Ginny was wearing red skinny jeans and a red and gold button up sweater over a white t-shirt.

She noticed as well and began laughing. I had to admit I had missed my sister.

"I missed you to." She said quietly.

Damn. I always forget the whole twin thing. She knew me to well sometimes.

"Are we ok again?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes." She said reaching forward for me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

We walked down into the common room arms around each other's waist's and my smile faded when I looked out the window. Snow.

The Other Weasley Girl (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now