Chapter 30- A New Point of View

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I know that I've haven't updated in a while this is for several reasons so please read on: first of all I would like to emphasize that this is a Harry Potter FANFICTION, meaning that it DOES NOT have to follow the chronological order of the series, and that I am allowed to create characters, relationships, situations and subplots. Please stop with the nasty comments centered around "but that didn't happen when this happened in the book" comments. In regards to that, I would also like to remind readers that writing is a HOBBY for me. IT IS NOT MY JOB OR LIVELIHOOD. I write and edit until I am satisfied with the result. This means I will write and edit to my hearts desire. Please realize that I only post what I believe is the best thing for my stories and what I feel that you, as my readers, will enjoy the most.

Thank you and enjoy,


Chapter 30- A New Point of View

After Ron had finally felt like he had made up to Ginny and I enough, he sat back on the couch with a groan and threw an arm over his face.

"And to think its only 9 in the morning." I said, cheerfully.

Ginny groaned.

Ron glared at me.

"Any other major things you feel the need to tell me?" He grumbled.

Ginny gave me a look.

As much as I would've loved to inform Ron about Draco and I, I knew there was no way he would hear me out. Not yet anyways.

"Not at the moment." I said, nonchalantly.

Ron sighed. "Bloody hell, you two sure know how to shake things up."

Ginny snorted.

"So when are you going to push that thing out?" Ron asked, giving a shudder as he eyed her belly.

"A few more months. 4 or so." She said, rubbing her stomach fondly.

"I will not be present for that, sorry." Ron said scooting further down the couch.

"You wouldn't be allowed in the delivery room in any case." I said tossing a throw pillow at him.

"Thank God." Ginny snorted again.

Suddenly, there was a crash from the kitchen. We all jumped, startled and my heart sunk as I realized it could only be Draco.

"What was that?" Ron asked.

Ginny and I looked at each other.

"My turn to drop a big surprise." I mumbled. So much for holding this back.

Ron snorted. "Can't be near as big as Ginny's unless you've got a kid too," he narrowed his eyes at me "you don't do you?"

I rolled my eyes, getting ready for a second explosion.

"Not quite." Ginny snorted.

"You can come out." I called quietly.

Draco edged into the room.

"Hullo." He said sheepishly.

Ron didn't seem to realize who Draco was for a moment, but as I watched, I saw it click in his eyes.

Ron leapt to his feet.

"You!" He spat venomously.

"What is HE doing here!" He hissed pulling his wand out.

I leapt in front of Draco and shielded him from Ron.

"Calm down!" I snapped.

"Put that up!" Ginny shouted.

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