Chapter 17- Arrival at Shell Cottage

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Hi everyone! I am SO EXTREMELY SORRY!!!! Here is the newest chapter :) PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE:)

Chapter 17

Addy POV

I woke up to the sound of crying. My head was spinning. I rolled over and wretched into the sand, gagging on the bile burning my nose and throat. I looked around deperately. Allisia. I saw her. Curled up on the ground a few feet from i pulled myself up and scooped her into my arms, quickly checking for any injuries. I breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay. I looked around at my surroundings. About a hundred meters away was a small, rickety cottage. But for now, it would be home.


"Addy, thank God you are okay the Order has been looking since you dissapeared. Everyone has been going mad!" Bill said crushing me in a hug. Then he noticed Allisia.

"Addy... Who is that."

"Bill. I can't tell you. Just know that as of this second, she is as good as my own baby." I said sharply.

He took a quick breath ready to argue but Fleur stepped in.

"Addy, what is her name? She is so very young. She needs fresh clothings and a bath."

"Her name is Allissia. You are probably right, Fleur, lets get her cleaned up." I agreed.

We left Bill in the kitchen.


Fleur sat on the loo and watched me run the water and put Allissia into it.

She looked exhausted.

"Addy. Where have you been?"

I sat quietly for a moment washing Allissia carefully, searching for the right words.

"Fluer... I can't tell you. Not without putting a lot of people in danger. I'm sorry."

She nodded as if she had expected as much.

"Oh well then. Are you staying here? Can I tell Molly and everyone you are safe."

I slapped my forehead.

"Oh God. MOM! I completely forgot. Yes of course you can tell everyone I'm okay."

Fleur rose to go deliver the news to my family.

Allissia sat in the tub, looking up at me with huge eyes.

I stared back.

"You're safe now. I promise."


Draco POV

Oh God, Oh God. I can't believe I put my baby sister and my love into danger. God I am an idiot!


I flinched.

"A bit jumpy are we my young one." Hissed the Dark Lord.

I remained silent.

"Are you ready?" He asked knowing full well that I would be doing his task if I was ready or not.

"Yes, my Lord."

"I need you to find someone for me..."

"Who my Lord?" This was not what I was expecting.

"Ginny Weasley"

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