Chapter 24- Promises Promises

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Chapter 24

Photo of Allissia to the side, and photo of Addy in the previous chapter

Addy POV

After we felt the baby move, Ginny and could not wait for him to be born. It was mad excited we were. We just could help it. And this excitement seemed contagious. Ginny and I had various members of the order go discreetly to Diagon Alley to the apothecary to find books with spells and potions to ease her morning sickness. Draco was a huge help with Ginny because he had vague memories of assisting his mother during her pregnancy with Allissia.

Allissia was helpful herself. Although she was just a tiny 3 year old child, she was fined tuned to the emotions of those of us who surrounded her. She was inquisitive, sweet, and knew when she needed to be quiet and when she could play and be louder. Draco assured me it was typical of most children. He attributed her sensitivity to be a Charmer.

Draco spent split time between Shell Cottage and Malfoy Manor. Although it scared me to no end, he had to go. We needed news and he needed to keep up the front that he was still loyal to You-Know-Who. I knew he hated going. Every time he came ack his face seemed a little paler and he shook slightly. It made me ill thinking of what he had witnessed. On the Potter Watch radio station that the twins helped host, news came in of murders daily. Muggle, wizard, magical creature, it didn't matter. There was so much death.

As the weeks went by, Allissia became more and more important to me. She was such a darling, no one could resist her. Being around her made Ginny happier and took her mind off worrying about Harry and the baby.

One afternoon, we sat in the parlor of the cottage, Ginny making a blanket for the baby, and Allissia and I playing with some dolls we had dug out of the attic. They were semi creepy because they were so life-like. They were porcelain and pretty, but dolls had never interested me. Allissia and I were having a tea party with all the dolls and she babbled happily about nonsensical things that made sense in her mind but left Ginny and I with goofy smiles as we remembered our days as children.

Ginny stared out the window, setting down her knitting and absentmindedly rubbed her growing stomach. Mum had had to use spells to make her clothing expand to fit her growing stomach.

"Ginny?" I asked, noticing her silence.

"Mmmm?" She said back.

"You okay?" I asked cautiously.

Ginny was getting to the point where the smallest things set her off and she would either hit you, cry, or a combination of the two. If you were lucky.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just thinking." She said, still looking out of the window.

"About what?" I asked, picking up Allissia and balancing her on my hip.

She leaned her head into the crook in between my neck and shoulder and her fingers found her way to the collar of my shirt where she held on with her little hands.

"Just the baby." Ginny said, smiling softly.

"Is everything alright with him?" I asked a bit alarmed. I knew how to handle children and babies once they were born, but is as clueless about what to do when they were still inside people. It gave me the heebie-jeebies thinking about when Ginny would give birth. It just seemed way too alarming to be considered "beautiful and natural" like Mum said. I shuddered.

"Yes, of course. I was just wondering if I'm right about it being a boy. What if he's actually a girl? What is he or she going to be like? If he or she is anything like Fred or George I may run away screaming. All the mad things they have put Mum and Dad through over the years, there is no way in Merlin's rainbow robes I could handle that!" She said with a laugh.

The Other Weasley Girl (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang