Chapter 2- Return To Hogwarts

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As always, the feast was magnificent. The food was piled high and there was plenty to go around. The first years were brought in as one giant blob, all of them too scared to break out of the pack.

The sorting hat was brought out and sang its song, and the sorting began. First year after first year was split up and as each one was sorted, a cheer went up from the house table.

When I finally got back to the dorms from the feast, as soon as my head touched the pillow I was fast asleep. I began having a dream.

I was running through Hogwarts. I don't know why but I knew I had to get away from whatever was chasing me. I was so scared but I didn't know what of. I ran and ran and didn't seem to move at all, I whirled around intending to face whatever was chasing me and there was a flash of green-

I woke with a start. Above me was my four poster bed.

What a strange dream. I rose from the bed walking to the window. It was raining so I watched the rain drops splatter against the window, I sighed. I went to my rucksack and looked at my schedule. I smiled to myself. I was in advanced classes, meaning I was basically in the year above me.

I donned my school robes and attempted to brush my hair. It was a waste of time. Mum had tried to make my unruly hair acceptable by adding layers to make the curls prettier, but it was hopeless. My hair was still wild.

My first class was potions which I was glad for. I excelled in it. I dawdled down the stairs on the way to the great hall thinking about my classes, when someone ran into me. Harry looked down and snorted "Oh hi Addy" he smiled.

"Hi Harry! Why are you up so early?" I asked, curious. Harry was a notoriously non morning person.

"Oh I was in the library reading up on something," he grinned sheepishly. "Ha okay Hermione!" I snorted.

"Are you going to breakfast?" he asked quickly.

"Yes I am care to join me?" I asked hoping he would say yes. I hated walking into the great hall alone.

"Sure thing." he winked. Harry held out his hand for me. I took it joyfully and he walked with me all the way to the great hall. We were the only ones in there since it was still very early. We talked and laughed about how over the summer Ron had been victim to no less than three of Fred and George's tester pranks for the joke shop. After a while, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Neville joined us. I excused myself and went down to Professor Slughorns classroom in the dungeon. I sat down at an empty desk and began to write. I wrote everything that had happened since I had gotten off the train including my dream. I lost track of time and only realized what time it was when people began to arrive.

Harry entered the room and took an empty seat near mine and grinned at me. I smiled back and gave a little wave. Professor Slughorn told us what he expected of us and how he wouldn't accept failing. The same old same old. Suddenly I felt someone blowing on the back of my neck and I whipped around expecting it to be Crabbe or Goyle or maybe even Peeves the Poltergeist, but no, it was Draco Malfoy. And he was smiling. At me? What was this boy smoking?

"Can I borrow a piece of parchment?" he whispered.

"Sure." and I handed it to him.

"Thanks Addy." he winked.

"Hey Malfoy," Harry hissed

"Leave her alone." Harry warned his eyes sparking with... Jealousy?

"i'll do what I please Potter!" Draco replied.

Class continued and I took my notes and tried my best ignore the anger radiating off of Harry. After class I gathered my things and walked into the hall. Suddenly Harry grabbed my arm and dragged me to a corner.

"What are you doing talking to him!" Harry hissed at me. He was gripping my arm tightly.

"Ow! Harry, you're hurting me let go!" I yelped, trying to pull my arm free of his grip.

"Tell me and I will!" He said.

"He just asked me for a parchment!" I cried, he let go of my arm and I breathed a sigh of relief as circulation returned to my lower extremities.

"Good. I'm sorry. I don't want you getting hurt." he said softly.

"Harry. I can take care of myself you know." I reminded him, stalking away.

"Still I'd rather not have you in danger." he said sweetly.

And with that he led me from the dungeons.

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