Chapter 11- Consequences for Actions

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Name Key: Dra-Dra= Drah-Drah, Alissia= A-Lee-c-ah, Fenrir= Fen-Rear, Nagini= Nah-gee-knee

Chapter 11

I don't know how I managed, but I escaped Addy's dorm without detection. I appeared in the Room of Requirement. Stepping from the Cabinet, I smiled. Tonight. Tonight had been truly wonderful. For a few moments, I had been able to smile and relax without fear. All because of a girl. I felt myself grinning like an idiot. Oh God. I was losing it. I knew it was wrong of me.

You're putting her in danger. The voice in my head said softly.

Shut up. I thought back venomously.

I couldn't help but think about how close she came to dying.

I shuddered.

Then I remembered how innocent she looked when she was sleeping...

How her hair fell over her shoulders and back when she was studying in the library.. How her eyes lit up when she smiled and laughed... How she radiated life.

She was everything beautiful, alive, and different. I doubted she could ever love a Deatheater. It went against her being. But then again, she always surprised me.

I sighed heavily as I left the Room of Requirement. I decided I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Out in the hall i began wandering about. I decided I would go to the Astronomy Tower. It was a dark, yet, cloudless night. Clear and bright the moon shone like a sun on a darkened world. The night air was slightly cool, but felt good against my skin.

Thoughts of what was in store for me buzzed around my head.

What the Hell was I doing? I'm 17 and I'm a Deatheater. I'm going to have to kill someone by the end of the year. The Dark Lord was going to kill my family if I failed. Snape was on my case about letting him "help me" and I think I was falling in love with Addy Weasley.

"I see Nargals around you." A dreamy voice said quietly from behind me.

I turned quickly. It was Luna Lovegood. She was wearing something quite normal. For her. Luna's waist length white blond curls were tied into pig tails with pink and red ribbons. Her legs were sheathed in green pink silver and polka dotted leggings. Her shirt fell to her knees and the Weird Sister's danced across her chest . Her feet were bare. Nobody was around, so I decided it was pointless to be cruel. Nobody would believe her if she said I had been kind, anyways.

"Hello Luna. I believe you are correct I do have a case of Nargals." Honestly, I had no idea what Nargals were but I didn't feel like having her explain at the current time.

"That's alright, Draco, I can see them leaving now that your thoughts are no longer wandering." She smiled at me sweetly.

I smiled back weakly.

"Now would you like to be sure they don't return? They can be quite nasty at times."

"You don't want to hear it." I said dryly.

"Well, that's fine if you don't wish to tell me. But why are you up here?" She asked curiously.

"I needed the fresh air." I lied.

"Alright then. I can tell you wish to be alone at the time so bye bye." She turned and skipped away. She somehow reminded me of someone. Someone, who threw my thoughts back to the mission and my family. I felt sick to my stomach. I turned, but almost fell off the tower when a hawk flew into me.

I recognized the bird easily. It was my Aunt Bella's. Tied to it's leg, was a letter.


Come to the Manor now. The Dark Lord commands it.

The Other Weasley Girl (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin