Chapter 8- Waking Up to Reality

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Chapter 8

Snape rushed into the classroom from his study in the back. I laid Addy on the table.

"Fix her!" I demeanded.

Snape looked unfazed. "What happened, exactly?" He said examining her wounds.

"My Aunt Bella. She was sent by him to scare Potter and she did it by torturing Addy."

"That explains these wounds. Bellatrix was always unstoppable." Snape said cruely.

"Fix her God dammit!" I roared.

Snape drew his wand and began muttering in latin. Addy's skin began knitting itself back together, the blood slowly stopped leaking from all over her body. Snape stopped muttering and walked over to his potions cabinet. He reached in and pulled out a bottle of pinkish liquid.

"I've done all I can. Take her away. When she wakes, make her drink this." He said handing me the little bottle.

"What is it?" I asked protectively.

"It will make her forget what happened." He said.

"Alright." I said. "Oh," I said, suddenly remembering "you may want to pop down to hogsmeade to clean up the mess they left." Snape nodded.


I waited until Snape returned.

I pocketed the bottle and lifted Addy from the table. Where could I take her until she woke up? There was only one place I could think of that we would be safe until she woke.

The Room of Requirement.

Casting a concealment charm, I hid us skillfully.

I was walking down a flight of stairs when I heard that damned Potter.

Someone, probably Snape, had healed him, regrettably. He walking quickly down the hall with Granger and the other two Weasleys.

He looked completely relaxed.

Scum of the Earth. Hadn't he panicked when he woke up in the street, not remembering how he had gotten there and where Addy had disappeared to?

Apparently not.

As the four of them walked down the hall Addy's twin, Jenny or Ginny, something like that, took ahold of Potter's hand.

They looked like a couple. I averted my eyes.

Addy was my concern now. I wouldn't become enraged over Potter's disloyalty to her right now.

I made it to the hall were the room of requirements liked to hide. I walked quickly three times back and forth. A door appeared out of the wall. I looked both ways and quickly manuvered into the room shutting the door behind me.

Inside the room, I noted, resembled a couples suite. Wonderful.

A king sized bed stood against one wall and a dresser and vanity stood in a corner. On the other side of the room was a sitting area. A fire crackled warmly. I walked over to the bed and pulling the covers down and gently laid Addy down on it. I looked down on her unconcious form. She looked so small and fragile.

Dried blood was still smeared across her face. I frowned and began wiping it away. Looking at the rest of her body I noticed she was truly covered in dried blood from head to toe. I decided it would be best not to have her wake up and find herself like that. Walking to the dresser, I opened it to find girls night dresses. I felt myself blush. How was I supposed to undress and dress her while preserving her modesty? I sighed. We weren't children so I decided to deal with it.

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