Chapter 28- An Unexpected Guest

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Chapter 28

Warning! Explicit content!

Draco POV

Addy and I spent time bouncing ideas off of each other, desperately trying to find an answer or reason for the strange behavior of my former master. Nothing seemed to fit, which was driving Addy absolutely mad. After a few minutes of this, Ginny began to stir.

She sat up with a yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"Hello Draco." She said sleepily.

"Hi Ginny." I said.

"Did everything go well? Addy was panicking." She said gathering her blankets around her.

I shot a look at Addy and she avoided my gaze, averting her emerald green eyes as a rosy flush crept across her cheeks.

"It was.... Useful. I wouldn't say it went 'well'." I said, still looking at Addy.

"So what did you find out that's new?" Ginny said, and I knew that she had picked up on the tension and anxiety that Addy was exuding.

I shrugged.

"Don't lie to me by omission. I'm not stupid." Ginny said, narrowing her eyes.

"You're now officially on You-Know-Who's hit list." Addy said flatly, standing up and carefully passing Allissia to me before she moved to stand before the fire.

Ginny blinked and was silent. Her hands slid down to her growing belly.

"Oh." She whispered, the color draining from her face.

"He doesn't know where you are. He thinks you're in Germany, like we planned to tell him, but for some reason now he wants you dead or alive, preferably dead." I said. It may have been harsh but the time for coddling her had passed. She needed to know how serious things were getting.

Ginny swallowed and closed her eyes.

"I don't care about me. But we have to keep my baby safe." She whispered, her eyes still closed. "When I have the baby, I'll go out in the open as bait." She said, her voice growing a bit stronger.

"Like hell you will!" Addy snarled, as she crossed the space between her and her sister, grabbing her by the upper arm.

"You're going to stay put and you're going to have this baby! And you're going to stay with it!" Addy hissed, her green eyes narrow, chest heaving and angry red splotches blooming on her chest.

Ginny yanked her arm free standing and meeting Addy's eyes.

"No! I'm not! I'm going to have this baby and then I'm going back out into the real world! I've been hidden away far too long and I need to do something! Everyone else is fighting but me! I need to leave the baby to fight!" She exclaimed.

"Over my dead body." Addy said, deadly quiet.

I sat, frozen, not knowing what to do. I didn't have siblings old enough to fight with and jaws fairly certain this was a crucial fight. Whoever won this argument was determining the fate of the other.

I glanced between the two of them, studying their faces intently.

Being twins, they were identical, but if you looked close enough you could find differences in their coloring. Ginny's eyes were a crystal ice blue, and her eyebrows and eyelashes were a light strawberry red color. As opposed to Addy's brilliant emerald green eyes and deep auburn red hair and eyebrows, although her eyelashes were a dark brown.

However, the look of pure steel that was on both of their faces reinforced the fact that they were twins. Addy's jaw was locked and her eyebrows were furrowed so deeply that it looked like they met. There was a look of anger, defiance, and violence behind them that scared me a little, as Addy wasn't prone to acts of violence. Likewise, Ginny was making an identical face, and looking between the two felt like I was looking at a reflection of either sister. A silent argue,net seemed to be going on between them and I had no idea if I should intervene or not. Just as I was about to try and change the subject it happened.

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