Chapter 5- The Letter

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Chapter 5

Addy POV

I was sitting up in the dorms thinking of what just happened. Harry had looked so cruel. Mean, and unlike himself. He had looked inhuman for a moment when his eyes had a flash of red in them, but I'm sure I only imagined it. What was wrong with him? I had no idea. But was I being nice to Draco? Maybe I was. I don't know.with a bang the door to the room burst open and Ginn and Mi bursting giggling insanely.

"ADDY!!!!!" they squealed, excitedly bounding into the room.

"Ginny! Hermione! Why are we screaming!" I laughed temporarily forgetting about Harry.

"Because Addy! I'm in love!" Ginny shrieked, I winced mockingly covering my ears. "With who?????" I questioned her, surprised. Ginny normally had a good head on her shoulders.

"I can't tell you!" she giggled with glee. I groaned "Gin, we've talked about this before. F you can't tell me something, then what was the point of telling me?" I said, highly annoyed.

"Because love is wonderful." Ginny and Hermione said in sing song voices. I chucked pillows at them laughing.

"You lot are off your brooms." They howled with laughter.

"Hermione, youre normally reasonable. Are you 'in love' to? Yesssss. With Roooonnnnn" I said in the same annoying voice. This time a pillow hit me in the head.

"I am not!!" She shrieked defiantly. This time Ginny and I doubled over laughing. The idea was so ludicrous that we couldn't handle it.

Once we finally stopped laughing, we realized just how late it was. Hermione began the arduous task of brushing my wild curls. Ginny was already asleep. Suddenly a question formed in my mind. I had no idea where it came from but if I could ask anyone it be Hermione. I took a deep breath.

"Hermione?" I asked timidly.

"Yes Addy?" she replied while gently brushing a knot out of my mane.

"Could you keep a secret?" I asked slowly.

"Of course, Addy. You know youre like a sister to me." She said simply. "Who's prettier, Ginny or I?" I said sheepishly.

"Oh Addy! Your both beautif-"

"That not what I asked." I interrupted sadly.

"Ginny claims she's in love and knowing her she will get the guy, and he will be crazy about her, most guys are! And then theres me. I really like someone and all I seem to do is make him angry! What's wrong with me Mione!" I began to cry.

Stupid stupid stupid! I thought to myself! Nobody ever saw me cry, I mean I never cried! It wasn't in my nature.

Hermione began stroking my hair softly.

"Oh Addy," she said sadly.

"I think you are so beautiful! You don't need make up and you never wear it like me and Ginny! You have beautiful hair! It's so long and thick! And it frames your face perfectly! Your so skinny to! I mean me and Gin are always saying it's not fair!!!" she said still hugging me and stroking my hair.

"Promise." I choked out.

"Would I lie to you?" she said.

"No..." I said slowly.

"Then it's settled! Your beautiful!" she said sweetly returning to her bed.

"and also any guy who would pass you up would be a complete idiot." she smiled and with that crawled into bed.

That night I couldn't sleep. I just lay in bed tossing and turning. It was raining so got up and sat by the window watching the rain pour down. It was around 1 in the morning when I heard the tapping. I turned and saw a black hawk tapping on the window. With a letter on it's ankle.

I opened the window and let him inside, removing the letter carefully. It was addressed to.... Me? I opened it. Inside the envelope a piece if parchment sat with only a few sentences on it. I didn't recognize the flowing looping scripture.

It read:

Harry Potter isn't what he seems. Beware. Danger awaits anyone involved with him.

There was no signature.

Bewildered I replied.

Who are you? Why are you telling me this?

I hastily sat it in the envelope and let the bird back out.

Minutes later he returned. I ripped open the envelope. And on the parchment sat two words.

A friend.

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