Chapter 6

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(A month later)
Stephanie 'sPOV
For the past four days I have been having a fever. I have also been sleeping in the afternoon lately. Mrs Young called a doctor who ran some tests on me.
I was sleeping as usual when one of the other maids came to inform me that Mrs Young sent for me. The maid sounded strange and I suspected something was not right but I shrugged it off and quickly went to answer the call of Mrs Young. The scene that greeted me when I arrived showed me that all was not well.

"You sent for me ma'am ."I said trying hard not to show the fear in my eyes.

With shaky heads she handed me an envelope.
Curosity getting the better part of me I tore open the envelope.
I brought out a letter and scanned through it the contents of the letter hitting me hard. I was pregnant????? But I have never.......I suddenly remembered that faithful night.

David's POV
One of the maids came to inform me that mum was calling me. I wondered what so important that she had to interrupt my video game. On getting downstairs I met my dad and my mum sitting on their favorite chair .
Dad wasn't meant to be back from his trip so I guessed what made him leave his vacation was very important. I greeted my mum and dad of course I have always been a little scared of Dad so I decided to put on my best behavior.

"Did you do it ?"Dad voice jolted me back to reality.

"Dad, I didn't do anything" I said trying to deny the allegations before I could hear what I have been accused of.

"Did you or did you not rape her ." dad said pointing at Stephanie who I hadn't noticed before standing in a corner of the living room.

"Dad, rape her???" I don't know what she is talking about, I said trying as much as possible to make them believe me.

Well my daddy was ready for me as he
wouldn't let me off the hook easily.

"Well whether you know what she is talking about or not the fact is that she is pregnant." Dad said shocking me.

Pregnant!!!! I screamed in my head.
Truth be told I was really angry at this stupid girl for getting pregnant and I didn't think the baby growing inside of her womb was mine.

But you slept with her, A voice echoed in my head .
Yeah I know slept with her but she isn't the first girl I had slept with . Why didn't they all get pregnant? I had once thought I was impotent because I hated using a condom while having sex and still with all my sexual escapades I hadn't gotten a girl pregnant so why now and why her?

"So are you guilty or not?"my dad asked interrupting my many thoughts.

"Dad, I didn't do anything and I don't know what she is talking about. I didn't sleep with her neither did I know where she got her pregnancy from." I replied trying to keep a straight face.

"So what would happen to the baby." mum asked.

"It is none of my business and it's not my child but if she doesn't want to take care of the baby alone then she can get an abortion."I replied

"David Michael Young!!!!!. "Mum screamed my name.

"Mum , It's not a wrong suggestion besides it is her decision on what to do with the baby. Besides it's not even a baby yet it's just a foetus the size of a pin head easy to get rid of."

"You were once a foetus the size of a pin head . What if I had decided to get rid of you? "Mum asked obviously
startled and angry at my reply.

"And that was your decision to make ." I replied my mum again.

Dad who had not said anything all this while cut in.

"You can go to your room he said dismissing me."

Summary: Stephanie is pregnant as a result of the rape incident with David but yet the father of the baby in her womb doesn't want her or the baby

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