Chapter 13

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Stephanie 'sPOV

"Axel eat your cereal."

"No , I wanna eat bacon and eggs. "He replied.

" Axel if you don't eat I am gonna be late for work and you're gonna be late for school. "

" That's great. "

" What's great?

"I don't wanna go to school but you can go to work if you want to. "

" Are you serious right now? Why don't you wanna go to school? "

" I just wanna rest today. "

" Listen here young man, you better eat your breakfast and get ready for school. "

" Yes mum. "he mumbled.

Alex's POV
" Hey. "I said to Cherry who was making breakfast.

" Are you seriously not gonna reply me? "I asked.

" Listen Cherry I'm sorry about last night. There was an emergency. "

" Do you care to let me know about it? "

" Cherry it's complicated. "

" What's complicated? You know maybe I moved into your house was too early. I mean we just started dating last week . "

" Cherry c'mon I love you and you love me and that's all that matters. "

" No that's not all that matters. Trust too matters and if you don't trust me to tell me about your complicated issues then tell me how I'm gonna believe that you love me. "

" Look Cherry I promise I'm gonna tell you all about it later Ok , I promise . "I said.

" Fine so are you gonna eat breakfast? "Cherry asked.

" I have to go somewhere but I promise when I come back I'll eat. "I replied giving her a peck on the lips .

" I love you. "I said.

" Love you too and don't be late or else. "Cherry said.

" I won't be late , I promise. "

Stephanie 'sPOV
My heartbeat accelerated as I stood in front of Mr Theodore 's office. I knocked the door and entered.

"Good morning sir, I brought your schedule for today . "I said as I entered his office.

" Screw my schedule. Have you accepted my offer?

Playing dumb seemed like the best option.

"What offer sir?" I asked.

He stood up from his sit swiftly and walked towards me.

"This offer." He said slamming his lips on mine forcefully.
He pushed me to the floor.

I struggled to free myself but he was just too strong.I felt his hands on my boobs pressing them forcefully.

"Sir please." I managed to say.

"Shut up . I employed you , I gave you a house to live and you think all those were free? Tell me." He said barking like a dog.

He started opening the buttons on my shirt . It seemed like with each button he opened my resolve grew weaker.
I didn't want to be raped again like why always me? Am I cursed?

"You've been hiding this from me for a long time but now I'm finally going to have you. "

I didn't know where the strength came from but I gave him a kick in his dick.

"You bastard." He screamed jumping away from me and holding his'baby'.

Well I didn't wait for him to finish nursing his 'wounds'. I mean who would wait after witnessing what just happened . I quickly stood up from the floor gathered my things well my purse actually and exited his office.
I knew I could never go back to work again and whether or not I tendered my resignation letter I was automatically fired.
I left the building and entered a taxi to my house well the company 's house anyways. And there was no fucking way that I would still be allowed to step foot into the house after what I just did . I thought of calling Aunty Rose but I didn't want to bother her with my problems so I called Cherry instead and explained everything to her.

"He deserved it." Cherry said after I had told her everything.

"I know."

"Why didn't you tell me about this since hun? I would have come to his office to teach him a lesson or two. "

" It's too late for that,Cherry. "

" Yeah you're right what don't you come and stay with Alex and I . He would understand. I 'll call him to explain everything to him. "

" No the last thing I wanna do is to inconvenience you and your boyfriend. Besides you just met this guy last week. "

" But he's gonna understand, trust me. "

" Cherry I would find a place to stay. I just called to let you know but you don't have to worry about me . I'll be fine. "I said and hung up.

The taxi arrived at my house and I got down after paying the driver.
I met my things and my son's things in front of the house. Somehow I was grateful that they didn't fling it on the road but left them neatly on the porch. Sincerely I had nowhere to go but I carried our things headed to anywhere my spirit leads.
I walked for an hour until I got to a road. I tried to cross the road when a car which apparently came out of nowhere hit me. I fell and blacked out.

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