Chapter 15

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Stephanie 'sPOV

We were at his  house now, Axel and I. Axel kept asking a lot of questions about his homework which David answered. They were acting like father and son. Well of course they were father and son but none of them knew that. I watched as they interacted as if they met each other somewhere. I felt scared , jealous, angry whatever emotions I felt I didn't know but my heart was a well of   different emotions.
We ate dinner in silence. It was as if everyone understood that I just needed some peace and quiet. The meal tasted good and I couldn't believe it was him that cooked it . I mean this was a guy that had so many maids waiting on him before including me. We finished our meal and I offered to do the dishes but he declined. Well I wouldn't argue with him besides I was tired from the stress of the day so after putting Axel to sleep I went off to bed to enter a peaceful slumber.

Stephanie 'sPOV
The soft rays of the sun woke me up.It was morning already.

"Shit." I said as I glanced at my wristwatch.

I jumped off the bed immediately. The time was 7:20 am and the school bus comes at 8:00 am . I ran into his room but I was surprised to meet an empty room. Where the hell could he be? What if he has been kidnapped? Different thoughts ran through my mind as I ran downstairs to check for my son . I was surprised to see Axel all dressed up and ready for school. He was already eating breakfast.

"Good morning." David said when he noticed that I was standing on the stairs.

"Mum this pancakes are really good." Axel said while stuffing his mouth.

"How many times have I told you to stop talking while eating." David said cautioning Axel.

"I am so sorry Dad."

Dad? My eyes widened. It was less than 24hrs and they were so close to each other. He was even calling him dad.

"I am sorry for that . I told him he can't call me Dad but he insisted." David said to me.

" You can be my new daddy. My mum said my dad died in an accident. Maybe you 'll marry my mum. "

Is this boy serious right now? Gosh he has a sharp mouth and I wondered who inputed such thoughts into his head. I wanted to scream hey  Axel this is your dad and David this is your son but of course I didn't. They were making me feel guilty well as if I am the reason that Axel didn't know this was his father and David didn't know that this was his son.

Stephanie 'sPOV
I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"Hey, sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to let you know that I would be off to work. If you need anything to eat or drink the house is all yours. "

" Thank you very much for yesterday and I am sorry for the inconvenience I might I have caused. I promise to go job hunting tomorrow and as soon as I find a job and a place to stay I'll be on my way. "

"Hey I should be thanking you. This house is pretty lonely and I needed some company. One more thing can I ask you a question?"

" Ask away "

" Did Axel father really die in a car accident or he abandoned you during the pregnancy. I mean cos yesterday you told me that he refused to take responsibility for him. "

" He abandoned me when I was pregnant. "

"Then why lie to him . You might as well tell him the truth that he's father is still alive. It's really not healthy to lie to him I mean what if his father comes back."

"I will tell him when the right time comes and it's not as easy as you think."

"Yeah you're right. Sorry for bothering you."He said and exited the room.

I watched as he left my room. If only he knew .

My boss and IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz