Chapter 20

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David's POV
For the past three days after we kissed Stephanie has been avoiding me. Well she really couldn't avoid me cos we lived in the same house but she has hardly talks to me. Whenever I ask a question she will either nod or shake her head. Well I wouldn't blame her. I glanced at the invitation card in my hand. Should I ask her? I mean there was no harm in her going with me? Normally I would have gone alone but  I figured out that I might be the only one without a plus one and I didn't want to seem like a certified loner. I stood up from my seat and headed to her office.

Stephanie 'sPOV
I saw David approaching and I put a pair of noise cancelers in my ear. I had made up my mind that I was going to nod to anything he was going to say. I didn't want to hear his voice. It drove me crazy to hear him speak.

David's POV
"Hey." I said when I reached her office. I pulled a chair and sat down.

Nod. She answered with a nod.

"Can I ask you something?" I said nervously.

She nodded again.

"So there is the party I was invited and I really wanna go but I need to bring a date so would you be my date for the party?"

She nodded again.

I nearly screamed in joy . I finally found a date.

Stephanie 'sPOV
I watched as David left my office. What did he ask me that made him so happy. I didn't hear any word he said. Anyways it's probably work stuff I would ask him later.

David 's house
Stephanie 'sPOV
I finished taking a shower . I stepped out of the bathroom and found a blue dress on my bed with a note. I picked up the note and read it slowly.

Please wear this for the party,
Yours truly,

Which party, I asked myself. I decided to put the dress on. I went downstairs to look for David.

"Wow 😳." He exclaimed when he saw

"You look beautiful." he said.

"Thanks." I said blushing and using my palms to cover my face.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"For the party."

"What party?"

"The  party I told you about at work."

Shit! That was what he asked when he came to talk to me.

"Ermm yeah I just need to put on some makeup, I'll be right back."

"Ok, I'll be waiting." he said as I walked upstairs.

Cherry's POV
"Hurry, we're going to be late." I heard Alex shout from downstairs.

Gosh, he likes to be so early. I was pretty sure we had like an an hour or even more but no "Mr accurate timekeeper would not let me finish my makeup.

" Babe. "Alex called.

"I'm coming. " I shouted back.

With one final glance at the mirror, I grabbed my purse and hurried downstairs.

"Woohoo." Alex whistled as soon as he saw me.

"You look beautiful." he said.

"Thanks, you don't look bad either." I said complimenting him.

"So can we go now?"

"Yes but on our way we're going to stop to buy ice cream."

"Ice cream seriously???? "

"Yeah."she said flashing me one of her cute puppy eyes smiles.

" Fine. "I said as we stepped out of the house.

Stephanie 'sPOV
" Woah. "I exclaimed for the third time actually as David led me to a table.

"You like it." David asked as we settled down.

"I don't know ermm..."

"I mean do you like the party"?he asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's nice."

After a few minutes of silence David finally asked if I wanted to dance. Well I wasn't good on the dance floor but I felt it was better to be actually doing something even though it was with him than sitting down awkwardly without speaking.
He led me towards the dance floor and soon our bodies were swaying to the rythum of the music. The music changed to a slow beat and I shivered as he put an arm around my waist to guide me as we moved. I closed my eyes and let my body take over. I felt his breath on mine as he used his free hand to push back some of my hair which had fallen on my face. This fantasy felt good till a stupid waiter had got to ruin it by spilling whatever he split on my dress. I opened my eyes to see David yelling at the waiter who apologizes many times.

"Get out." David said to waiter who as if waiting for the opportunity ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

"Sorry about that, wait here I'm gonna see if I can get something to clean this up." he says and disappears before I could open my mouth to tell him it was okay.

When he gone I heard a voice calling my name. I turned and see Cherry walking over to him with a guy I assume to be her boyfriend. When she got closer to me I could his face clearly now. He was Alex Dakota David 's best friend. Great! my best friend was dating David 's best friend. How awkward can this get. I didn't want to find so I mixed up with the crowd looking for an avenue of escape. After some minutes of searching I finally found a door which I assumed what was a restroom. I pushed it open and entered inside.

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