Chapter 19

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I was surprised to meet Axel downstairs stuffing his face with food . I mean he was meant to be in school right?

"Good morning mum." Axel said still focused on the food before him as if nothing else mattered to him.

"Hey." David called as he came out of the kitchen.
He wore a white apron which I must say looked quite nice on him. His face was stained with flour and I guessed he might be baking .

"So where are heading to? Can I drop you off?" he said looking at my clothes.

"Umm I'm going to work?"

"Work? You found a new job?"

"No I meant work at your office and isn't he going to school today?"I said .

For some reasons I don't know he probably found my question funny as he suddenly burst into laughter. Gosh why was he laughing?

"Sorry ."he said still struggling to stop laughing.
He choked on something and started coughing and beating his chest repeatedly like a baboon. I nearly laughed as I believed he was served a taste of his own medicine but understanding the urgency of the situation I quickly gave him a glass of water which he swallow quickly. He dropped the glass cup on the table and muttered "thanks.".

"So tell me why were you laughing." I said placing my two hands on my waist.

"Well today's Saturday."


"Yes mum you always forget the days of the week." Axel said glancing at me with his childish face.

Mum, Dad said he is taking me shopping today can you come with us please. "Axel pleaded.

Dad? This has to stop.

" I have warned you
several times Axel he's not your father. "

" But you said Dad died in an accident so why can't I call someone else dad? Mum he is so nice to me and I want him to be my dad. I want both of you to get married mum. "

Gosh what does this small child know about marriage. He talks an adult sometimes. Well how was I supposed to explain to him that his dad was very much alive and the man whom he just addressed as Dad was actually his father. I hope I never have to explain that.

" Axel listen young man what do you even know about marriage hun? "

" I don't know but I want you to get married. I want to have a dad . All my other classmates have one so why I can't I get one . You said you would do anything to make him happy so why can't you get me a dad? "He said and ran out of the dinning with his small little legs . 
I made to stop him but I was held back by David. I rested my head on his chest feeling the warmth and feeling I don't know protected?

"It's okay he would come around." he said whispering inside my ears and that felt comfortable.

I lay on my bed. It has been quite a long day. David for whatever reason took us shopping. And after we went to a restaurant and then we took Axel to play a video game. I don't know what Axel is thinking right now well he hasn't opened his mouth to speak to me the whole day. But he has been chatting with David the whole day and I felt cut off. At a point I wanted to shout "Hey Axel thet's your dad , I mean you're talking is your father. But I didn't. Aside from the fact that it may cause a scene David didn't deserve Axel. He didn't deserve to be a father and Axel our son , I mean my son deserves to be happy. And yes I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way it happened. Of course I didn't regret having Axel but I just wish I had  him in a stable family.
Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said and David entered.

I sat on the bed and scooted for him to sit down beside me.

"Hey." He said sitting down.

"Hi." I answered awkwardly.

"Umm, I am sorry about what Axel said and how he has been the whole day. Actually I just finished talking to him and he's really sorry."

"You talked to him?" I asked my eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah, why are you surprised? I know you're thinking about his age right? I mean he's just four but he talks like an adult."

I nodded unable to say anything. I opened my mouth to speak but the words got stuck in my throat. I didn't know when tears dropped from my eyes. I was just thinking of everything of everything. David , Axel, my dead parents, everyone.

"Hey, why are you crying?" David asking moving closer to me and using his palms to wipe the tears off my face.

"Nothing just ...." the words trailed off as I felt his lips on mine.
I froze and he removed his lips from me almost immediately.

"I am sorry." he said staring at me.

I kept staring at his lips. I didn't know why but I didn't want him to stop kissing me.
I didn't know when I slammed my lips on his and this time it was his turn to be surprised. He quickly regained his composure and took over. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips battled with each other. He used his tongue to pry an opening in my mouth and "Gosh, I moaned as his tongue met mine. Heat, electricity, pleasure washed over me. He was the first to pull away.

" I have to go now. "He said breathing heavily from our make out.

Before I could say another word he had already slammed the door.

Stephanie Aurora what's wrong with you? How could you kiss him? Well it was a kiss, I reminded that stupid voice in my head. Yes it was a just a kiss but I couldn't deny that it felt good to kiss me. Yes it felt good to kiss the fucking pervert who raped me. I ruffled my hair and went back to sleep or tried to sleep.

David's POV
Why did I feel like I know this girl from someone and why  the hell did I just kiss her . "Because she is beautiful, sexy and you simply can't resist her. "my mind said. Yes that what true I simply couldn't resist her. Damn, she occupied my every thought  and there was not a damn thing I could do about it.

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