Chapter 14

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Alex's POV
I was driving David from the hospital when a girl appeared out of nowhere. I lost control of the car and it hit her. She fell down and fainted.

"Shit." I said as David and I quickly came down from the car.

"Calm down she just fainted ." David said staring at the girl.

The girl I hit with my car was no other than the Stephanie Aurora that we have been trying to find for three years now . I looked at David to see of there was any sign of recognition but he didn't seem to recognize her .

"Let's get her into the car." David said.

"She just fainted let's get some water maybe it'll revive her." I suggested.

"Yeah let's get into the car first then we can try to revive her."

We carried her into the car and poured some water on her. She regained consciousness .

"What the fuck am I doing here? And what the hell are you doing here, David?" She said nearly screaming our ears off.

Stephanie 'sPOV
I woke up in a car with two guys sprinkling water on me. Upon close examination I recognized the two guys . One was one of the guys which I meet at his party on the night I was raped and the other was no other the devil himself, David Young.

"What the fuck am I doing here? And what the hell are you doing here, David." I asked.

"Hey how did you know my name? Have I met you before?" He asked me looking confused.

I was confused. Is this not David Young or maybe I was mistaking him for someone else. I forced myself to apologize.

"I am sorry, I thought you were someone I know." I said.

"Maybe . So just curious what were you doing in the middle of the road with all the stuff you were carrying. "

Truth is I didn't know when I opened my mouth to tell him everything.

" Wow . "he said after I had explained everything to him.

Gosh I couldn't believe I just told this guy which looked exactly like David everything.

"So where are you going from here." David asked.

"I don't know but I wanna pick my son from school. "

" You have a son?"he asked genuinely surprised.

" Yeah he's four years old."

" Mmmh , ok let's go pick him up then."


"Uhhn, listen I know you don't know me and I don't know but I just wanna help . It's sad that your boss could this to you simply because you didn't let him take advantage of you. "

Ok what's going on? Is this really David or was I just imagining things. I mean this guy looked and talked exactly like David Young , the father of my son.

David's POV
I dropped Alex off at his house and I was currently driving a complete stranger to her son's school. Occasionally I would glance  back to give her a reassuring look cos she seemed so confused not to mention scared.I wanted to have a conversation with her badly but I didn't know what to talk about . I decided to start a conversation I mean it was getting damn boring in the car.

"Hey so what of your husband or boy friend,I mean the father of your child?" I asked in my desperation to start a conversation.

I noticed she seemed uncomfortable with the question for whatever reason but she still answered me anyways.

" I was raped by the father and when he discovered I was pregnant he refused to take responsibility. " she replied me.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to make you to feel bad. "

" It's not your fault. "

" Hey if you makes feel any better I can spill a secret of mine."

" No you don't have to. "

" I insist besides it's not like it's a dirty secret . Well actually it's like a health related issue. So I had an accident yesterday was rushed to the hospital and the doctor said I lost a small part of my memory. But seriously I believe that doctor is a joker I mean I still remember everything that happened before the accident and I remember everyone close to me do what part of my memory did I lose? "

" So after you pick your son where are 
you heading to? I mean where are you  going to sleep? "

" I will look for a place I guess? "

" Well how about you stay at my place till you find your feet again? "I asked
Stephanie 'sPOV
So he lost a small part of his memory? Of course he didn't recognize me. He seemed nice to me but staying in his house hell no .Even though I had no where to go I'll rather sleep on the
streets. Yes I would rather sleep on the street than to stay with this rapist but what of my son. He didn't deserve this , my son needed a roof over his head. And I definitely didn't want to move in with Cherry and her boyfriend. So I agreed it would just be a few days till I find a job and a place and then I would be out of his house for good.

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