Chapter 20

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"Did Lucas or Ethan ask why we canceled?" I'm standing at my office doorway, facing Imani's desk

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"Did Lucas or Ethan ask why we canceled?" I'm standing at my office doorway, facing Imani's desk.

"No. I didn't get anything from them," Imani responds.

My body tenses. I only canceled the meeting ten minutes ago, but it's just now hitting me how little I thought it through. All I remember was feeling my heart rate increase with each tick of the clock. And then I couldn't bear it any longer. Just like the last time I almost got a tattoo, panic set in and I backed out at the very last minute.

Except now, my actions reaching the logical part of my brain, I can see how it looks very suspicious to cancel a meeting without any reason and without rescheduling. Unlike the tattoo shop incident where I didn't have to endure the embarrassment of being a flake, I will inevitably have to see Lucas again.... and now my heart rate is back to what it was before I canceled the meeting.


All of it is so unlike me. Rash thinking and letting my nerves get the best of me is Talia 1.0. We graduated from Talia 1.0 a long time ago. As much as I tried to distract myself with errands and catching up on work over the weekend, Lucas somehow tattooed himself on me, like he's Kat Von fucking D! And somehow, I'd let it happen, caution thrown to the wind.

Everything I've ever thought about him has been called into question. A full court session took place in my mind yesterday - with my mind and heart in heated debate. The verdict? Inconclusive and reassessment needed.

I just need more time to figure this out.

"Imani, go ahead and reschedule for the end of this week. And just say sorry it meant to get put on the calendar again but, um, we were just trying to find a time."

"Sure thing."

I take a deep breath in and turn back to my office. Now that it's settled, the meeting officially being canceled for this week, I can focus on work and figure out the Lucas situation later. Breathe, Talia. Breathe.

"Talia!" Lucas' voice hit my eardrums. I jump as heaviness settles into my muscles and bones.

I slowly turn around, heart racing, and find Lucas swiftly approaching, out of breath and slightly disheveled. Did he run over here?... Damn, he looks so good. "Lucas? W-what are you doing here? I canceled the meeting." The cage of butterflies that I worked so hard to lock up over the weekend explodes in my stomach. His raging blue eyes come into focus and my knees tremble slightly.

"I need to talk to you. In private," he says, glancing around.

I don't know how to respond. The urgency in his voice prompts a simple nod out of me, despite the flurry of activity in my body. His large hand splays across the small of my back as he guides me into the office and shuts the door behind us.

Electricity shoots through my veins. Something palpable swims in the air as I lean back on my desk for support and wait to hear what Lucas has to say.

He begins pacing a few feet away from me. I swear he mutters what sounds like 'delicate' once or twice. My gaze moves side to side, glued to the broad-shouldered, manly specimen before me.

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