Chapter 45

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"Not again? What's not again?" Talia crossed her arms.

Bill sighed and glanced up to the ceiling as Charles slammed his fist against her desk. "After all my son has done for you, you're going to throw it back in his face?"

"What the fuck are you talking about Charles?"

Bill glanced at Charles and held up his hand. "We said we wouldn't say anything."

"Oh, come off it, Bill! My family's in shambles because of her!"

Talia's veins thrummed. Something happened. With Lucas. Something happened involving Lucas. "Well I'm leaving so Lucas can have the job!"

Talia's pulse spiked once Bill shook his head. "He doesn't want the job."

Her jaw fell and her mind continued to race. "What do you mean he doesn't want the job? He wasn't offered the job, right?"

When both men stayed quiet, ice slid over Talia's body. She let out a sardonic laugh. "Of course. How could I be so stupid? You offered the job to Lucas first and he declined it." Both men remained silent again. "Seriously? No one is going to man up and admit it?"

Charles rolled his eyes. "Lucas was offered the job first because he was the better candidate. He didn't accept it because he wanted you to have it. No matter how hard I tried to convince him, he still wouldn't take it. And now you're not even taking it? Are you trying to ruin his life on purpose?"

Talia's eyes were wide. Heat pumped through her body as she thought about Lucas giving up the position for her, even though she explicitly told him not to drop out. "I'm sorry, where is Lucas? I need to see him."

Charles tilted his head back. "He's gone."

"Gone? Gone where?"

"I don't know."

She glanced between the old men sitting in front of her. "Bill, I'm sorry for leaving like this. I don't have anything against you. You're good at your job and I appreciate you letting me work here, even though Cora likely forced you to do it. And Charles," Talia shifted her gaze to the man who looked so much like Lucas, "I know you dislike me. And I know you probably think I slept with your son because I wanted this position. Truth is, I don't care what you think. You've disrespected me and you've certainly disrespected Lucas. He looked up to you even if he didn't say it. And you supported him about as strongly as a ten-year-old ratty bra."

Charles remained frozen with a reddened face and Bill's mouth continued to open and close, like he didn't know what to say.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I need to leave. Thank you for everything, and best of luck with the new CEO search." Without waiting for either man to respond, Talia sprinted out of the office.

Ethan looked up from his desk like a deer caught in headlights when Talia approached. "Ethan, this is an emergency. Where can I find Lucas?"


"Ethan! Seriously, now is not the time! For the love of God, where is Lucas?"

"Uhh, umm, uhhh, I think maybe his house?"

"Text me his house address right now! I have an emergency." Talia tripped over the carpet as she turned from Ethan's desk. She quickly took off her heels and began sprinting through the hallway, down the stairs, and to her car.

Each passing second felt like a lifetime. She needed to see Lucas. To tell him everything.


A text from Ethan with Lucas' address popped up on her phone. She quickly mapped it and raced out of the building. Praying she wouldn't get pulled over, she sped through the streets of Boston as her body began to shake.

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