Chapter 37

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The Internship Interview,
About 15 Years Ago

The Talia that was just here was unlike the Talia I met at the Christmas party

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The Talia that was just here was unlike the Talia I met at the Christmas party. This girl who is competing against me for this interview is like a wound-up version, ready to explode at any minute. Too bad she turned out to be rude and self-centered. I figuratively pat myself on the back for missing that bullet. Besides, if anything had happened between us at the Christmas party it would've made this situation of competing for a job extremely awkward.

"I'm assuming you're here for the interview too. Name?" The young, blonde receptionist who kindly offered her sweater to Talia asks.

"Yeah. Lucas Handler."

"Have you right here," she says as she clicks away on her computer. "You're early but I'll let the hiring manager know you're in." She smiles widely when our eyes meet and then her gaze scans over me.

"Thanks," I respond before leaning over the desk. "Hey, that was really nice of you to lend your sweater to the other candidate."

The woman's cheeks turn pink before she smiles even wider. "Oh, it was nothing. The poor girl looked like a train wreck." Her eyes move over me again before she adds, "It's just what I like to do sometimes, give to those in need."

I reciprocate her smile. Should I talk to her some more? She seems kind, is pretty to look at, and her eyes twinkle as she grins at me. But I quickly shake the thought away. Normally I would stay and flirt, but I need to get my head in the game before this interview. If I don't get the job, Dad will lose his mind and I won't hear the end of it.

Before I turn around, the receptionist speaks again. "So, Handsome, aren't you going to ask for my number?"

I tilt my head back briefly before a smile finds its way back to my lips again. I don't even need to flirt. This woman knows what she wants and is going for it. She does seem a little on the desperation side, but maybe I'm just reading into it. "I wanted to but I thought maybe there'd be a conflict of interest if I did."

She giggles. "Yeah, you're right. So I guess we'll have to wait and see if you get the job then."

"I guess I'll have to be on my best behavior if a pretty girl's number is at stake."

The smile from her face vanishes and she stands up to match my eyeline. "I hope you get the job, Lucas."

Her sudden seriousness makes my eyebrows shoot up for a moment. I glance at her nameplate. "I hope so too, Gina," I say before stepping back and making my way over to my seat.

I start running through my notes, making sure I'm able to answer any question that comes my way. A few minutes later, a clicking of heels sound from down the hall forces me to look up. Talia is walking back from the bathroom, seeming to be in much better spirits with smoothed-out hair, completed makeup, and lighter steps. I quickly look back at my notes and try to focus, despite the butterflies erupting in my stomach. What is with me? Focus, Lucas.

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