Chapter 34

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Twenty Minutes Earlier

Twenty Minutes Earlier

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"Bye, Lucas. Have fun figuring this one out," Talia says before disappearing into the nightclub.

I laugh and shake my head. I should've known that the deal I made with her was going to come back to bite me in the ass. But why didn't my name end up on the list? Talia looked just as confused as I was.

Images of the way Derek looked at Talia earlier surface and then the answer hits me. That fucker better not touch her.

I quickly turn to the bouncer again. "Hey, man. I know Derek and Tucker. They forgot to add my name."

"Right, that's what they all say."

A sigh leaves me as I grab my wallet. I pull out all the cash I have. "I'll give you five hundred dollars if you let me in."

The bouncer glances at his clipboard and nods. "Would you look at that? Looks like I missed your name. Go on in."

Money makes the fuckin' world go 'round. I shake the man's hand, leaving the cash in it before making my way to the entrance. The reverberation of the bass echoes through my body as I step into the large party. I glance around and instantly spot Talia not that far ahead of me, looking for Tucker.

I'm about to go up to her, but stop. What will she do without me? Does she even need me?

Talia's independence simultaneously turns me on and annoys me. While I love how she carries herself, I also hunger to take care of her. I got a taste of her dependence on me when we were on the jet and the turbulence forced her into my arms. Or when we played golf, and she listened to my words of instruction. But I want more. Now seeing her on her own makes me want to see if it's even possible for her to need me again.

I follow her through the crowds, making sure to stay hidden while also being close by just in case. Once she stops, I stop and glance toward where she's looking - Tucker seated on one of the balconies. As Talia makes her way up, I continue to follow. I settle at the side of the bar, facing their seating area but still hidden, and order a whisky as I watch the sexiest woman in the world go to work. Fuck, I can't wait to rip that dress off of her.

Talia's smile is like a glow of light in the dark club. Damn, how could anyone say no to her?

A moment later, I frown witnessing Derek approaching her and placing a hand on her back. And when Derek proceeds to fucking kiss her on the cheek, I jump from my seat. Derek, you fuckhead, she's mine.

I'm about to march over there but pause when Talia steps back from Derek and Tucker's body language changes abruptly. What's happening? I swiftly move closer to see better while remaining hidden.

Tucker not-so-subtly eyes a young, female server, who looks to be his age. The kid puffs out his chest when he stands up before following Talia and Derek. Interesting.

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