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"Huh?" I said waking up and rubbing my eyes and waking up on a couch. "Where am I?"

"Good morning sleepy head, you drink too much?" I heard what sounded like kris, I figured especially with that mom attitude.

"I guess, are we at your place?" I asked, it didn't look like her place but I couldn't tell if she just remodeled or not.

"Yeah no we just crashed at the party, nether of was were going to be driving." Kris said handing me a warm cup of coffee.

"Thanks, so let me guess most people are still here?" I said setting my coffee on the table before I had the chance to be a dumb ass and take a drink.

"Yeah well about 3 or 4 people not including us." She said coming over with her coffee and sitting down.

"Let me guess you don't get hung over? At least not bad?" I said wondering how she was up so early.

"Yeah not really I didn't have that many drinks." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Fair, I gonna go to the bathroom quick." I said standing up and walking over to the hallway. Of corse someone was puking in there and I didn't want to get involved, so I went to the master bedrooms bathroom.

How I knew this house so well, no clue. My guess wondering around slightly drunk maybe I don't really know but, I got to the bathroom and wiped some cold water on my face. Then I heard footsteps so I quickly dried off my face and left the bathroom.

As I walked back towards where Kris was I some of the people who had crashed there. There was Nick, Seth, and as I could have guessed, Colby.

They were all scattered around the room, Seth and Nick were sitting on the couch, opposite side but both asleep. Then Colby who was on a different couch, laying sprawled on the couch. He looked peaceful, and I had an urge to give him a kiss.

"Woah where did that come from," I said in my mind and shook my head. I got back to Kris who was just drinking her coffee.

"Hey Kris!" I said sitting back down and taking a sip of mine. It finally wasn't scorching hot.

"What's up?" Kris said setting her coffee back down.

"Nothing really, well..." I started to trail off.

"What! TELL ME!" Kris said jumping in her seat and turning towards me. There was no way I was going to tell her about Colby. Quick think of something to say huh....

"What do you all remember about last night?" I said, perfect cover up.

"Not too much, after the pingpong. I remember us 4 finding Kat and just messing around on the dance floor." She said looking around the room trying to gather her memory.

"Why?" Kris asked looking back at me.

"Nothing really just wanted to know cause the last thing I remember was me and Colby whining abouteach other being mean." I said.

"Yeah that was cute," she said with a small smile, I gave her a confused look, "what? You guys were cutely fighting like little siblings."

Oh my gosh no way Kris said that, was it really that noticeable I liked him, I mean she didn't say we were flirting or anything, right?

"I guess if you put it like that." I said with a small smile to cover up my wild thoughts going through my brain.

"Did you have fun at least?" Kris asked before she took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh my gosh YES of corse! I'm really glad I came and that I didn't bail when you said Sam and Colby would be here! You have such a cute little friend group with them, it was fun bullying them." I said with a big smile and flinging my arms around, and started jumping around in my seat.

"Well good...oh hey!" My smile disappeared when I heard Kris say "oh hey", who was she talking about, did I just embarrass myself?? I turned my head to see them standing in the door way and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I saw Kat.

"Good morning, Kat." I said

"Good morning you guys." she said still hyper. I don't know how this woman was always hyper.

"Well you're awake huh?" I said

"Kat, no she is just always this hyper no matter what." Kris said as Kat made herself some coffee.

We sat there and talk for about one hour or so before Sam came out and joined us, then Seth, then Nick. We just talked and talked like we had known each other forever. Then we heard the iconic Colby groan of, 'be quiet I'm still trying to sleep'.

"Oh hush, and get your lazy but out here!" I heard Sam say.

"Nooooooo" I head Colby say in a really girly voice, "I DoN't WaNnA!" Then heard his feet kicking on the bed.

"Sure is a slow poke huh," I said to Kris, "Sam how do you live with this?"

"I'm not exactly sure honestly." He said with a confused look.

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