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I chilled the rest of the flight listening to my music and scrolling through insta. Colby stayed asleep the whole time and I don't know what sam was doing.

When we all got off the plane we got out of the airport as quickly as we could. Sam and Colby didn't want any more fan interactions because of the glares I was getting last time.

Sam and Colby set their stuff in the trunk once we got to the car. I waited for Sam and Colby cause I didn't want to be alone in the Uber.

Sam sat upfront by the driver. Colby and I sat in the back, but this time I didn't sit in the middle. Only because I didn't want any attention.

I hate Ubers.

Sam talked to the guy and Colby scrolled on his phone and occasionally looked at me. I sat in silence doing nothing, but biting my lip and fidgeting with my bracelet.

Eventually I left my trance state by the sound of Sam and Colby quickly unbuckling. I flung my seatbelt off, and grabbed my phone. As I shut the car door my body shivered.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked.

"Yeah, I'm just excited to go home," I laughed.

Colby smiled and grabbed his stuff. Colby asked me if I wanted to just stay at his place when we were walking to the Uber. I said yes because I didn't want to be alone but mainly because we had to film a few more things.

Once the guys had their stuff we headed into the building. Sam and Colby live pretty close to each other so we got to walk together.

"See ya bro," Colby said giving Sam a goodbye hug.

"Yeah see ya," Sam followed.

"Bye Sam, get some rest," I laughed giving Sam a hug.

"You to Lexi," Sam laughed.

Colby and I continued to walk for a foot or two before we were at his apartment. I took off my shoes right away and dove into the couch.

I heard Colby laugh as I just laid there.

"What are you doing?" Colby laughed as he set his stuff down and walking over.

"Going to sleep," I said faking a snore.

"No you don't," Colby said scooping me up bridal style and walking me to his room.

"I was sleeping though," I sarcastically complained.

"But it's way comfier in my bed," Colby laughed carefully laying me down.

"Crap. I don't have clothes," I said looking at my cargos.

"Don't worry I got you," Colby smiled throwing sweat pants and a black shirt.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"You can get changed in the bathroom over there or in here or whatever I really don't care," Colby said before jumping onto his bed and burying his head.

I stood up debated on whether to get changed here or go to the bathroom. My choice was kind of made for me when I heard Colby's cute, quiet snore.

I quietly slid of my cargos and slid on the sweats. I had to roll them once or twice. I put Colby's shirt over my crop top, and took my crop top off from under it.

I threw my shirt on top my cargos that were laying on the floor. I pulled my arms back underneath my shirt so I could take off my bra.

I set it inside my crop top and set my cargos above my shirt. I smiled at Colby, who was still asleep, and headed out to the kitchen to turn off the lights.

When I got back to the room I took off all my jewelry and set it on the nightstand next to the bed and my clothes.

"Babe," I said shaking Colby.

"Huh- what up? Is something wrong?" Colby asked waking up almost instantly.

"Nothings wrong, you need to get changed," I laughed.

Colby was wearing some skinny jeans with a XPLR shirt. I figured that wouldn't be very comfy.

"Do I have to?" Colby asked before burying his head into his pillow again.

"Yes," I replied.

I waited a few seconds before I started to poke and tickle his side.

"Stop that's not fair!" Colby said pulling me onto the bed.

"Colby! Just get changed so we can go to bed!" I laughed trying to stand back up.

"Ughh fine, stay put," Colby said before getting up.

I slid under the covers and tried not to pass out. I pulled out my phone hoping it would keep me up longer, it was almost 2AM and we had just been on a plane.

"Do you need a phone charger?" Colby asked.

"Yeah," I said checking my percentage, it was 12%.

"There is an outlet between the bed and that nightstand you can use that charger," Colby said pointing to the nightstand with my rings, "there should be one at least"

"Thank you!" I said plugging in my phone and setting it on the table.

Colby basically threw himself under the covers. He looked like he was on the urge of death and I probably did too.

"Good night, Angel," Colby said kissing my forehead.

"Good night, Love," I said smiling and curling up into his chest.

It wasn't long before I felt Colby's breathing slow and hear his cute snores. I slowly started to drift off once I focused on his breathing.

Ever since I was little it's been easier for me to fall asleep once everyone else was. I don't know why but it's just how I am I guess.

I am so glad I am home. I'm so excited to see Luna tomorrow. My life is finally coming back together. I can't remember when I've been happy like this.

Of course you have to put aside EVERYTHING that happened at the Stanley. That's all in the past Sam promised me I will get answers another time. Whatever happened there can't be explained, but it stays at the hotel.

It's not like everywhere the guys take me I will be attacked. Right? Every thing that happens at the Stanley is in the past. Or so I hope.

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