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"Guys?" Sam said about 10 minutes later.

"Yeah?" I said, noticing Colby was asleep again this time not on my shoulder.

"Yo Colby!" Sam said shaking Colby.

"Huh?" Said Colby not quite fully awake yet.

"Umm did you guys all tell?" Asked Sam.

"About what?" Asked Colby who had quickly woke up after Sam's question. Sam didn't answer he just looked back and forth between me and Colby.

I knew what he was talking about he was asking who we all told about me and Colby.

"Oh...why?" Colby said

"Just you, Kat, Kris, and Celina" I sad ignoring Colby's response.

"It's all over instagram right know..." Sam said, me and Colby pulled out our phones and went straight to instagram.

"What the fuck?! How would they all know already?!" I said as I saw all the posts
- Colby has a new girlfriend guys!❤️
They're so cute!

"Look, Colby, this is a picture of us a little bit ago when you were messing with my coffee cup." I said showing Colby the phone.

"Dang people jumped on that really quick." Sam said to Colby, "we are just going to have to announce it now I guess."

"I think we should ignore it for a little bit until we are back home and then make a video announcing it." I said to them.

"I agree." Said Colby.

"What if we see a fan and ask if you're dating or not?" Asked Sam still unsure about the situation.

"Then we just reply with a 'I don't know are we?' Until we can upload the video." I said starting to calm down sense it could be a lot worse.

"Okay deal," Said Sam, "but as soon as we get back you two need to make that video."

"Deal." I said looking at Colby waiting for and answer but instead he just started to smile.

"What you smiling about Brock?" I asked looking over towards his phone.

"They love you." He said looking up at me.

"Who does?" I said still very confused that when they say they, almost 98% of the time it's their fans.

"The fans, they love you." Said Colby showing me his phone.

"Well, that's a first," Said Sam, "they normally hate on you until you guys break up. You're the chosen one."

"Haha, I'm still the favorite!" I said to Colby shaking my head around as I spoke.

"I think that's I lie, if I were to put a poll saying, 'who's your favorite, Colby, or Lexi' I think the majority would be me" said Colby while messing around on instagram.

"I love how they don't even know my name, they're just like, 'Colby's girlfriend', over and over again." I said scrolling through some of the posts.

Finally it was almost time for out flight so we headed towards the flight area a little early just incase we got stopped, and of corse we did. A lot.

"O-m-g, are you guys, Sam and Colby!" I heard a girl scream.

"Yeah we are." Sam said turning around to face the girl and so did me and Colby.

"Who is this...girl." She said while looking me up and down, chewing her gum way louder than it needed to be.

"Hi, I'm apart of Sam and Colby's next collab, and currently need to go catch a flight, so if you don't mind, move it." I said, nodding to Sam and Colby to continue the walk to the flight.

We had gotten stop 3 more times but they were all very nice compared to that beat.

We made it on the flight, our seats were all next to each other. Sam's was in the other group off seats but it was on the side closest to us. Then Colby was on the out side of our group of seat, next to Sam. Finally, I was in the window seat next to Colby.

We talked and messed around for about 1 hour of the flight. Then Sam put in his earbuds and fell asleep.

"How much longer!" I heard Colby said stomping his feet lightly and whisper shouting.

"I don't know, probably a hour." I said turning from the window to look at him.

"What time were we supposed to land, 3:45?" Colby said turning on his phone to check the time.

"Something like that yeah, what time is it?" I asked looking over his shoulder at his phone.

"2:31" he said turning back off his phone and starting to wine again, "I don't wanna be on a plane anymore!" Again in the whisper yell.

"Well, go to sleep it will go faster then." I said pointing at Sam.

"Haha, another joke, you're so funny." He said with a fake laugh then a strait face.

"I know I'm so funny! Why don't you sleep on planes?" I asked

"Have you never seen how I wake up?" He said with a shocked look on why I would ask that.

"Okay that is really fair, but I wake you up really quickly." I said fully tuning my body to face him.

"Yeah, but I don't like it when you wake me up, you're to good at it." He said going through his backpack and pulling out ear buds and handing me one.

"Don't fall asleep." I said grabbing the ear bud and then stealing Colby's phone.

"Hey! That's mineeee" Colby said again lightly stomping his feet and whining.

"Nope mine now!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Not fair!" Colby said crossing his arms and turning away.

"I'll let you pick the music on the way back." I said pulling his shoulder back towards me.

"Okay that's more fair." He said adjusting his body to face my way again.

"See, I'm nice." I said smiling at him.

"You're still a meany." He said extending the meany.

"Hey that's-" before I could finish Colby pulled my face into a kiss. Our first 'somewhat' public kiss. It was a long and soft kiss again, but it felt like he was just trying to keep me from calling him mean.

"Not mean." He said pulling away.

"Okay it's not I guess." I said as I felt a little blush come again. I opened Colby's phone and turned on Spotify. I put on some music from his playlist and we jammed for the rest of the flight.

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