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*lexis POV*

When I woke up the room was dead silent and Colby was no longer next to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around the room, it was empty.

I started to freak out a little.

"Colby?" I said looking around the room, "Sam?"

"Come on guys this isn't funny," I said pushing the bathroom door open further.

I turned the light on and my heart sank. They weren't there. It didn't make sense all of there stuff was here still. I looked over to the door to see that there shoes were gone.

"Maybe they just went to the lobby for a little," I said trying to convince myself everything was okay. I was over reacting. Or was it Theo...

I quickly shook my head trying to get that idea out of my mind. I quickly went over to the bed and pick up my phone.

I quickly called Colby. After a few rings I felt my eyes begin to water. As I heard his voice my heart lifted, until I realized it was his voicemail.

I wanted to throw my phone.

I quickly called Sam after a few rings my heart sank even further. Until he answered me.

"Hello?" Sam said.

"Oh my god! Where are you guys?!" I said realizing I didn't breathe until he answered.

"I'll explain later," he said

"Is Colby okay?! He didn't answer," I quickly said as I tapped my foot.

"He's with me," Sam answered ignoring the first question.

"He's okay though right?" I asked again.

"Bye Lexi, I'll talk later," Sam said before hanging up.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I yelled before throwing my phone.

I slid down the wall I was leaning on and pulled my knees to my chest. I threw my head into my arms and let all of my tears go.

I've never cried like this before. Not even with Theo. Once I had started to cry less I slowly made my way to the bathroom. As I looked at myself in the mirror I felt myself begin to tear up again knowing Colby wasn't okay.

I quickly wiped my tears and took a few deep breaths. I grabbed my hair brush and started to brush out my rats nest as more tears slowly made their way down my face.

When I fished brushing my hair I just looked at myself. I was being so fucking stupid. Sam most likely didn't even hear my question and had to go do something. Theo doesn't even know where I am.

Sam would have told me if something was wrong. Wouldn't he? Damn it! My tears started again as I second guessed myself. There was nothing saying Colby was in trouble or not okay.

But there also nothing that said he was. I did my best to stop thinking about it while I looked around for something to eat since it was now 6:24pm.

We didn't have much of anything so I went down to the lobby. As I made my way down to the lobby I found myself looking for the guys. Hoping they were in the hotel.

I didn't seem them causing my heart to break more. Once I made it to the lobby I bought some chips. As I was grabbing them from the vending machine I felt the hair on my neck stand up.

I quickly turned around, but no one was looking in my direction or even near me. I started walking to the stairs but stopped. There is an elevator that we haven't used yet.

I love riding in elevators. I don't know why we haven't rode in it yet. I quickly walked over to it and pressed the button. The elevator doors instantly opened and I walked in.

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