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*sorry this one is a lot...*
*lexis pov*

"Umm, where to start," I said laughing, "okay, I was staring into the mirror, sorry Sam but I definitely tuned you out."

"That's okay, I would have too," Sam said laughing.

"So I remember Colby telling me he was going to take Sam out of it after a while. Then it sounded like he just kept walking, if that makes sense.
But as his laugh faded with his steps, all other noise faded until I was in dead silence." I said, laughing a little before staring at the floor.

"Before I realized I couldn't hear anything, I just stared into my reflection. Then I turned around to see what was happening, and then, I saw it. The gross creature, that I had seen in my visions or I don't even know what to call them, but from earlier." I said, looking around the room but back at the floor before I finished.

"I quickly looked back forward, and I was is the dirt tunnel place I was during my vision. I looked back and the creature started walking closer so I started to run away. Until I reached a dead end and was trapped with the creature." I said still staring at the floor.

"I turned around to see it walking closer. I sat down in the corner and buried my head in my arms. Knowing there was nothing I could do. I heard the creature breathing next to me." I said zoning out on the stove at the other side of the room.

"I told it to go away and leave me alone but it wouldn't. When it would speak it would have this dark, erie, creepy voice. As I was yelling at this thing to leave I heard a muffled voice, sounding like Colby's," I said Colby towards the end.

"It was asking if I was still okay. I then shouted that I needed help. The creature just calmly said, "uh huh," responding with a perfect impression of my voice. I continued screaming for help until the creature said, "he can't hear you." I then asked why they were doing this  and they said it was for me," I said looking at the camera and then Colby, his face showing slight fear when I spoke.

"I told it that it can't have me and it said, "wanna bet?" And I told it no and to leave me alone. It then said, "that's a shame, what about your friends?" And I told it to leave us alone and that it can't have any of us. This next part is a little strange but it said something like, "why would I do that? Your boy toy is just as pretty as you are." I know it sounds weird to say but I swear that is what it said." I looked away from Colby and stared back at the wall.

"This creature then continued marking comments like that. I had asked why they would target us and they said something like, "why wouldn't I? You're the perfect friend for me, plus your gorgeous." As I am saying this I feel like I'm going insane, and like none of you are going to believe me but I swear this is what happened." I said moving my head to look at the ceiling then back at the wall.

"I then heard the voice again saying, "come on Lexi, it's not the time to mess around, we got to go." It sounded like Colby again and then the monster then said, "Dumb boy" in a voice close to mine but in a deeper and eire voice. I then screamed Colby's name and the creature reminded me that he couldn't hear me. I then told him to leave me alone and he said, "fine, I'll go find him instead," and i heard his footsteps slowly fade." I looked around the room going from the camera, to Sam, to Colby, the wall, and finally the ceiling.

"I have another part but I'll let Sam go before I finish," I said needing a break from talking.

"Okay," Sam said adjusting himself in his chair.

I tapped my finger on my leg as my head raced through what had happened until I felt a hand mover mine. I got startled at first but then I realized it was just Colby. I smiled a little and intertwined my fingers with his.

*sam pov*

"So, I started the Estes saying every word I heard until the noise started slowly fading. Slow enough to were I didn't notice till it was almost gone. If any of you know me I'm always trying to prove the whole paranormal thing to my self. I had the spirit box in my hand and tried to turn up the volume."

"I turned it all the way up but I didn't get any louder. I still couldn't hear anything going on around me. It was like I was in my own world and i started making things out of the darkness from the blind fold. I made out a creature that I think was what Lexi had saw. It was on four legs, had a strange tail, an abnormal face for a for legged creature. It was just a outline, more than a silhouette, so I couldent see color or anything. It was just pitch black." I said looking at the camera and the table.

"It eventually started having a slight color to it and it began walking towards me. I wanted to take off the headphones and the bandana but my mind was like...scrambled...like I could remember how to move my arms or my hands. While it was walking towards me my mind was racing through fear, trying to rationalize why I could move, and why I couldn't hear." Sam said wiping his water eyes and looking into the camera.

"As it was about a inch or two away from my face I felt my body moving and then the gear was moved off of my face. The I got to see his beautiful face instead," Sam said laughing and pointing to Colby.

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