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*new text message from, My Love ❤️‍🔥*

'Hey, Angel are you wake' -1:23pm

'Yeah, I was finishing int the shower'-1:29pm

'Okay, I'm gonna head over shortly to pick you up'


Seeing his name in my phone always made me blush. I loved it so much, and him calling me Angel.  I hurried up and grabbed my flared leggings and a white crop top.

Nothing to complicated but and outfit that I had loved and was comfortable in. I threw on my necklace that had a little ghost on it, I wore it in all of my videos. I added my rings and a few bracelets.

"Angel? I'm here!" I heard Colby yell from the front door, "Oh my god! Your puppy is so cute!"

"I'm in my bedroom!" I said laughing and putting on my socks, "her name is Luna, and she is a beagle and cocker spaniel mix."

"How has your day been?" He asked walking over with Luna in his hands, and giving me a side hug as Luna attacked my face with kisses.

"Amazing, yours?" I said petting Luna.

"Way better now that you're here." He said making me smile a little, and giving me a kiss with his smile, "ready to go?" He asked setting Luna down.

"Physically, yes, mentally, uhh I'll get back to you on that one." I said walking over to grab my suit case before I was pulled back so Colby could grab it before me.

"Okay let's go then," I said laughing and grabbing Colby's hand, "are you excited?"

"Oh corse I am, you're coming with!" He said being pulled behind and waiting for me to put on my shoes. I put one just my HeyDudes cause they were nice and comfy.

"I like your shoes," Colby said with a laugh

"Hush it bud," I said with a laugh and smile.

I put Luna away in her kennel and gave her some food. She laid right down and just watched us. Kris is gonna come and take care of her while I am gone.

Before we left the house I grabbed my suitcase from him and dropped his hand. It always made Colby frown a little but we weren't public yet so we didn't want more attention then needed.

I lived in a very squished up neighborhood and it felt like my neighbors were always watching. Me and Colby went out to Sam's car and I threw my stuff in the back.

"Hey Sam!" I said when I hopped into I back seat.

"Sup Lexi! what took you guys so long?" Sam said with a evil grin

"Sam, don't even go there." I said looking at I'm with an angry mom look.

"Okay sorry Lex," he said looking back upfront.

"It's only been 2 weeks bud." Colby said when he entered the car, he sat in the back with me. Sam, Kat, Kris, and Celina, we're the only people who knew and they liked to test their luck with us.

"Just drive." I said to Sam with a laugh and she started to drive.

The drive was only 20 minutes to the airport but of corse Colby fell asleep 3 minutes in. He had rested his head on my shoulder and passed out. He slept better than a baby, even if he slept the entire day before.

"Aww look at you two." Sam said looking at us through the rearview mirror.

"Hush, you'll wake the baby." I told Sam.

"Haha, yeah right, I tornado siren right know wouldn't even wake him." Sam said

"True, true." I said to Sam while I looked down at Colby.

"We are here, Brock." I sad playing with his hair a little bit.

"Nahhh uhh," Colby said with his eyes closed still.

"We are going to leave without you." I said unbuckling my self.

"Noooo, I'm up, wait for me!" Colby said jumping up and unbuckling.

"Okay we are keeping you around Lex." Sam said surprised that I could wake him up that easily.

We made it into the airport and past security and we walked over to the Starbucks station. We got stopped at what felt like every 10 seconds by one of Sam and Colby's fans. Most of them would ask,

"Who is that," or, "are you Colby's girlfriend," or, "are you Sam's girlfriend,"

The last one always made me laugh, I mean the second wine was right but me and Colby always said no, and tho I was just a guest.

"How do you guys deal with that kind of thing?" I asked as we went over to sit down.

"What do you mean? You have a YouTube channel too." Sam said.

"I mean like getting stopped so much, I that why you're always early to these kind of things?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"No, we are always early cause Sam is paranoid of missing a flight." Colby said causing is all to laugh a little.

"We also have been doing YouTube for years now and have had over 8 million for what 2 years now?" Said Sam.

"Yeah we just have adapted, you know?" Said Colby looking at me and stealing my coffee.

"Hey, that's mine!" I said with a frown and a mad baby voice.

"Mine, for now!" Colby said with his head raised up high and my coffee on the side of his body opposite of me.

"What, no fair!" I said reaching over to grab it.

"Nope, you can't reach!" Colby said moving it just out of my reach.

"Not nice, SaMmMm! TeLl CoLbY tO gIvE mE mY dRiNk BaCk!" I said adding as many voice cracks possible.

"Colby, give it back." Sam said in his best dad voice possible.

"Ughhh fine, just cause your a tattle tale and I don't wanna get in trouble."Colby said handing me my coffee again.

"No, I'm just the favorite." I said with a smile and took another sip of my coffee.

"SAmMm," Colby said whining to Sam, "tElL lExI iM tHe FaVoRiTe NoT hEr!" He said just like me, to be honest I was impressed.

"Colby I'm not gonna lie to you..." Sam said trading off, "but Lexi is the favorite."

"Haha, told you." I said sticking my tongue out at him and laughing.

"Worse than siblings," Sam said taking another drink of his coffee. Colby took mine again but this time just for a sip and gave it back.

"Love youuuu stilll," Colby said when returning my coffee again.

"Love you still toooo" I said mimicking him.

"Okay, maybe a little better, but still think worse than siblings." Sam said, looking down at his phone.

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