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*colbys Pov*

I let Sam do the talking knowing damn well I would be stuttering gall-or. The lady behind the desk said "133". I assumed that was the room Lexi was in. She handed us visitor badges after sam gave her paperwork he filled out previously. Then a nurse led Sam and I through the halls to lexi's room.

When we made it to her room Lexi was still out cold. I looked away from Lexi to see the nurse I had meet before, Jane.

"Told you I would see you again, haha" Jane said to me smiling and laughing.

"Yeah," I said smiling a little bit

"Well she should be up in a few minutes. We gave her some meds to help with the Vasovagal syncope, that's why she is out." Jane said walking over to the door.

"I'll be back shortly to sign you guys out," Jane added before leaving.

"You know her?" Sam asked quickly

"Yeah, when I started wandering around the hospital she saw me and led me to the waiting room," I said trying to explain

"Ohh, okay. How long do think it's gonna be till Lexi is back?" Sam asked, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"I don't know, probably 15 minutes," I said leaning my back in the wall.

Sam pulled out his phone to scroll through  instagram trying to pass time. Maybe I shouldn't have invited Lexi, if I didn't she would be safe at home with her friends.

She wouldn't be at a hospital, she'd be safe in her bed. It was all my fault she was here unconscious.
Maybe I shouldn't have even talked to her at the party, for her own safety.

My mind still racing through these terrible thoughts that I can't control or ignore. A voice drowns out the thoughts for a few seconds before they stop. As I look away from the floor I see my beautiful angel looking at me.

"Lexi?!" I said lunging over to her and hugging her.

"Colby!" Lexi said weakly but as loud as she could.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I said rubbing Lexi's back.

"Same here," Sam added as I pulled away from the hug so Sam could give her one too.

"So what's wrong with me?" Lexi said laughing a little then rubbing her head.

"You lost your balance and fainted," I said sitting on the edge of the bed, "you didn't respond to anything we said, and the doctor thinks you have  something called Vasovagal syncope."

"I remember fainting, my vision blurring, not being able to hear, and then everything was black. I then woke up in the ambulance and everything was still silent and blurry and it went black again. And now I'm here," Lexi said waving her arms very gently while talking.

A loud knock at the door caused me to jump a little before the nurse, Jane, walked in, surprised Lexi was already awake.

"How are you feeling Lexi?" Jane asked closing the door behind her and walking over to the computer.

"Fine," Lexi said while trying to sit up. I helped her up and made sure she was comfortable without saying a word.

"Okay I need to give you a little check up before you can leave but then you should be good to go," Jane said walking over to Lexi to take her temperature.

I moved off the bed to give Lexi a little space so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed. Moving away from Lexi was hard but I knew that to many people at once can be overwhelming, especially in this kind of situation.

"You know you didn't have to come right?" I told  Sam who seemed extremely bored.

"I had to come, who was gonna watch you," Sam said smiling at me and laughing

"Fuck you," I said laughing and shaking my head

"I think we are going to need to reschedule our flight," Sam said looking at his phone screen.

"Why, what time is it?" I asked as Sam showed me the time, 2:30, "damn it, can we at least get a different hotel?"

"Let's talk to Lexi about it before we make any decisions, she might want to try for answers again," Sam said causing my heart to sink.

"We can't, it's dangerous, she ended up in the hospital," I said trying not to raise my voice.

"Yeah I know, but we both know Lexi. Even if we left tonight she would come back to find answers," Sam said calmly making me realize he was right.

"I know, I just don't want her to get hurt," I said sitting down next to Sam.

"Yeah, but she is gonna want answers if we like it or not. If we try to stop her she is just gonna go by herself, so we might as well stay and help her," Sam said looking over at me, and we just nodded our heads in agreement.

"Alright, Lexi you're all ready to go," Jane said helping Lexi out of bed, "Do you guys know your way out?"

"Yeah, I do," Sam said walking out the door and holding it for Lexi.

"Have a good rest of your day!" Jane said before we parted ways.

"You too," Sam said for me and Lexi.

"So what's the plan?" Lexi asked Sam and I

"Yeah we need to figure that out because we missed our flight. Rent another night at the hotel? Find a new hotel? Drive home? You pick," Sam said pointing to me and Lexi.

"I think we should go back to the hotel," Lexi quickly answered.

"Yeah that's what we assumed, are you sure you're gonna be okay?" I asked laughing a little bit.

"Yeah, but no promises," Lexi said with a smile and grabbing my hand.

"Okay we'll go rent a room," Sam said as we arrived at the front desk.

"What about our stuff?" Lexi asked. I didn't even think about that, is all our equipment and belongings gone?

"Dont worry I grabbed it before I left the hotel," Sam said after talking to the lady who quickly noticed who we were.

"Oh my gosh you guys are Sam and Colby right? My daughter watches you all the time! Is it cool if I get a picture quick?" She asked before pulling out her phone.

"Yeah no problem," Sam said as Lexi let go of my hand and stepped back.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly to Lexi

"Out of the way so you guys can take your photo," Lexi said stepping back a little further

"LEXI WARREN?!?!" I heard a girl scream from behind me, "omg I watch you all the time!!" She added

"Hi!" Lexi said clearly not knowing what to say causing me to laugh a little

"Can I get a picture with you?" The girl said walking over to Lexi

"Yeah, of course," Lexi said getting more comfortable talking.

The front desk lady came over for her photo, but the whole time I couldn't take my eyes off of Lexi. I looked away for one second to look at the phone but then right back to Lexi.

I couldn't understand what Lexi and the girl were saying but the smile on her face was beautiful. Lexi gave the girl a hug before the girl ran off smiling with tears.

"What did you do to her," I asked not being able to contain my laugh.

"Fuck off," Lexi said laughing, "she was so excited she cried. I forgot that was a thing and it freaked me out," she added with the biggest smile.

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