200 4 2

Sam quickly drove to the airport as Colby double checked we had all the equipment.

"Be there in 20. Our flight isn't until 8, so we are gonna have to wait a little," Sam said looking at Colby and I through the review mirror.

"I'm fine with that," I said checking the time, it was only 6, 2 hours isn't that bad.

"Same here," Colby followed.

Sam nodded and continued to drive, "so are you a medium or something?" He asked.

"No, at least not the last time I checked," I laughed.

"I mean I think you could be, think about it." Sam pointed out, "you had visions of something hurting and scaring you. And it just happens that now that thing is tormenting you. you can connect with your 'spirit guide' out of nowhere. This hotel could just be the start."

"So don't go anywhere else spooky??" I joked.

"Correct," Sam laughed, "but seriously, we should look into it."

I felt a cool breeze flow past my body.

"Yeah we should," I said before my head ached again.

I set my hand on my head after flinching a little. Colby looked over at me before digging through his bad. He handed me some Claritin.

"Thanks," I said before taking it.

"No problem," Colby said with a warm smile.

I scooted to the middle seat so I could rest my head on his shoulder and curl into him. I watched him scroll through instagram.

We saw Kris and Caleb being cute together, Celina with her dogs, and a few others.

I miss Kris. I'm excited to go home though and tell Kris everything. I feel like it has been forever since we've talked.

Colby kept scrolling. He got to one of my post of me and my baby.

"Is this when you got Luna?" Colby asked before reading the caption.

"Yeah, I got her right when she was 4 weeks old," I laughed a little, "I'm excited to see her again."

"Same here," Colby smiled, "she is so cute. How old is she now?"

"Uhhh...oh she is almost 1," I paused for a second, "10 months I think."

"She is so good for a puppy, puppy," Colby said.

"A puppy, puppy?" I asked.

"Yeah, there is no such thing as an old dog, or dog. They are always puppy's and when they are in the 'puppy' stage they are a puppy, puppy." Colby explained causing more confusion but I understood what he meant.

"Okay," I said smiling up at him.

Colby and I just stared at each other, studying each other face. Colby put one of his hands on my face and pulled me up for a kiss.

"We're here!" Sam said as Colby's lips touched mine.

We both smiled before pulling away.  I got up and stretched and Colby grabbed his stuff. We all made our way out of the car and to the trunk.

Sam and Colby grabbed their suitcases and closed the trunk. I went to grab mine before realizing I didn't have anything.

"I'm gonna miss my stuff " I said laughing.

"It's okay I'll get you replacements," Colby said laughing back.

"No, you guys did enough already by paying to fly me out and back. I'll figure something out, " I said to Colby.

"If you say so," Colby said pulling out his phone.

We walked into the airport and got checked by security. We all made it through and they asked why I didn't have anything so I quickly made something up.

"Those two are my friends and they surprised me with this trip and since I didn't know we were going I didn't get to pack," I added a laugh that sounded real but was completely fake.

"Oh okay, have a nice flight" the security chick said.

"Nice one," Colby laughed nudging my side once we got far enough to where she wouldn't hear us.

"It was pretty pathetic in my opinion," I laughed.

We all went over to some chairs and sat down. Sam and Colby had a bunch of fans come up to them, way more than last time. More than half of them gave me death glares. But there were 3 or so who wanted a picture with me, or didn't hate me.

"Remember when I said all your fans are nice," I said looking at Sam then Colby, they both nodded, "I take that back, some are nice."

"It's more of a most are nice. We just meet the mean ones today," Sam laughed.

We all relaxed for a few seconds before I made the mistake of checking my phone. Thousands of messages from random people. I looked through some and most were death threats, etc. There were a few congratulating me, telling me not to give up, and being super positive.

"Sam this proves you wrong but also right," I said smiling and showing him my phone.

"I'm sorry about this Lexi, but try and focus on these fans who are going over the top with support," Sam said.

"I'm not bothered by it really. It's easy for me to focus on the positives," I explained with a smile.

"That's good, but now you have proof that not all our fans hate you," Sam laughed.

He gave me my phone back and I turned to look at Colby, who fell asleep on my shoulder. I let him sleep until we had to go.

Sam led us to our flight and showed us our seats. I was by the window, Colby was next to me, and Sam was in-front of me. Once the plane took off Colby quickly fell asleep again and I just scrolled through my DM's and Instagram.

I sent sam a message asking if he was still awake.


You up?

Yeah I don't like to sleep in flights

Fair, do you think I could post on insta? Or avoid that for now?

If you want you can, I would just avoid putting Colby, or I, in the post.

Okay thanks


I posted a photo of the window with a caption,
Can't wait to be home ❤️

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