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"HERE WE ARE!" Sam said pointing at the hotel.

I just jumped up and patted in the seat to show my excitement. Colby just looked up at the large building.

"Oh yeah you guys are still playing the quite game, you two are to competitive." Sam said pulling into a parking spot.

I just flipped the back of Sam's head off and Colby just play pushed me trying to get me to speak. I shook my head at him and pushed him back, trying not to laugh. He shook his finger at me, with a evil glare the same as when we played before. I started shaking my head rapidly and ran out of the car.

"Grab your stuff and we'll go up to our room," Sam said opening the trunk and grabbing his stuff.

I stood on one side of Sam and Colby stood on the other. I was watching him to make sure he wounding try tickling. I pushed Sam to stay in between me and Colby after motioning what Colby was trying to do.

"That's not fair." Sam said looking at Colby.

Colby just looked confused.

"You can't tickle, that's against the rules." Sam said, "you can't tickle, that's your one rule."

Colby made a sad face then grabbed his stuff. I was happy Sam spoke for me so I could still win but now I didn't know what he was going to do. Sam went over and checked us in while me and Colby still tried little things to attempt to make each other talk.

"Okay come on children!" Sam said from the desk, cause the lady to give him a weird look.

I quickly walked over to Sam dragging Colby behind me.

"Follow me to our rooms, try not to mess around to much." Sam said separating me and Colby to each of his sides.

We motioned to him that we could have a trues till we got to our room. Then moved back together hand Colby grabbed my hand.

When we got to our room Sam unlocked it and handed me another key.

"Please don't lose this, I trust you with it more than Colby." He said with a smile.

I nodded with a smile, Colby just flipped him off. Sam just flipped Colby off. We went into the room that was pretty big for a hotel room. I went over and set down my suitcase and backpack. Colby put his stuff by mine, and Sam set his by Colby's.

"Okay two bed so, me and Colby can share, or you and Colby can share." He said looking at the beds then me.

I looked at him and nodded to the second option.

"I figured you would pick that one," Sam said with a slight laugh.

Colby saluted to Sam, and Sam saluted back. My best guess was because they weren't gonna share like normally. I threw my self onto the bed, and just soaked in the relaxing feeling. Colby threw him self right next to me on the bed, making me fly up a little bit.

"Haha, can't sleep yet we got a video to make." Sam said pulling Colby off the bed.

Colby sat up before Sam pulled him all the way off the bed, giving Sam a grumpy look.

"What! We are only here for tonight and a little bit of tomorrow!" Sam said looking at Colby.

Colby scooted his way back up by me. Sam walked over to his back pack taking something out and going into the bathroom.

I rolled over to fully face Colby who was already rolled towards me. We just looked at each other and both smiled.

Our eyes focused on each other's memorizing them. My eyes left his and started to look around his face, finally realizing how hot Colby really was when our eyes meat again.

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