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"This is insane..."Sam said trading off.

"Agreed, I'm like speechless," Colby added.

"If they chose to believe this, this could change everything. But if they choose not to, our life is gonna be a living hell," I said looking at the camera and at the boys.

"Yeah, but that's every thing you upload now isn't it," Sam said looking from the camera to me.

"I guess," I said looking down at my fingers that were fidgeting with my rings, "what next?"

"Well we can't leave until 1:30pm for our flight," Sam said checking his watch, "might as well figure out what is messing with Lexi while we are here, right?"

"I'm down if you guys are," I said quickly, wanting to know what this thing was.

"Are you sure Lexi?" Colby asked with slight fear but more of a worried look.

"Yeah, we will be carful," I said while Sam got up and grabbed his equipment bag.

"Okay, but stay close, please," Colby's said standing up and pulling me up with him.

"I didn't plan on going anywhere," I said looking up at his beautiful blueish green eyes.

"How is your headache? Any better?" Colby said placing the back of his hand on my forehead lightly, "you don't feel warm anymore."

"I completely forgot about my headache, so I'd say I'm pretty good now," I said smiling up at him.

"Your so beautiful," Colby said gently pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"So are you," I said getting lost in his beautiful smile and eyes, before Colby turned his head to look at Sam.

"Ready to go?" Colby said turning his head back towards me.

"Yup," I quickly said trying to cover the disappointment in my voice.

"Okay let's go then," Colby replied quickly pulling me over to the door, and we both quickly slipped on our shoes.

"Come on Sam," I said before being dragged out of the door, "what are you doing?"

"I'm not to sure honestly," Colby responded with much hesitation.

Colby then just pulled me over to the wall he was standing against. I stood next to him and just looked into his eyes.

"Now what?" I asked after we had been just standing there in silence for a while.

"Wait for sam I guess," he replied in a joking manner.

"Why couldn't we do that in there?" I asked, still smiling up at him.

"Cause I didn't want to be in there anymore," Colby said with a more serious tone.

"Why is that?" I said, before Sam came out of our room.

"You guys are mean!" Sam said closing the door behind him.

"That's all Colby, he dragged me out here," I said lightly stomping and pointing at Colby.

"Wow...it's boring in there and you took to long so here we are," Colby said after giving me a hard side eye.

"It's okay, where are we starting?" Sam said after turning on his camera.

"The basement," I quickly responded

Colby quickly snapped his head and gave me a look of, are you insane? Sam just nodded is head in agreement.

"What? That is where my vision thing first was," I said looking at Colby who still looked at me like I was an insane person.

"So we are trying to create this vision?" Colby said before turning to loom at Sam.

"No, we are looking for answers," Sam quickly said, "let's just go get it over with."

"Ugh, fine," Colby said after a long pause to think.

"Thank you," I whispered to him when Sam had turned around to lead us downstairs.

"You guys are mean, I don't like the basement vibes," Colby said with a very serious look.

"Same here, but it is where we need to go," I said while taking his hand in mine. He just gave me a nod and we continued following Sam.

I feel bad for making Colby come down in the basement, but we have to. If we want to find out what is messing with us and how to get rid of it we need answers. Even if they are somewhere we all don't want to go.

"Here is the elevator, we need an employee-" I heard Sam say before my eyes got blurry and his voice became muffled.

*colbys pov*

"Lexi are you okay?" I asked as Lexi began to stumble around.

She didn't respond so I quickly put my arm around her, holding her shoulder tightly. She began to put some of her weight on me and she started walking right.

"Lexi!" I shouted as she collapsed, I caught her before she hit the ground.

"Woah, Lexi are you okay?" Sam asked her but she still didn't respond.

See moved her head around without saying anything. Her eyes were almost closed but not quite.

"Is everything okay?" A employee who had seen her fall asked, "do I need to call 911?"

"Yes, call 911," I quickly replied, the lady just quickly nodded and ran to the front desk.

"Lexi?! Can you hear me?" I asked she looked in my direction again.

She didn't say anything, I felt my eyes begin to water. She is breathing fine but she isn't responding and my heart started sinking.

"Lexi? Hang in there the ambulance is on the way, hang on," Sam said his hand in hers.

"They'll be here soon, I need you to hang on," I said grabbing her hand as well.

"They are a minute or two away, how is she doing?" The employee said with her phone in her hand.

"Not sure, she seems like she is breathing fine," Sam said taking over the conversation for me.

"Come on Lexi," I said looking down at her, trying to hide my fear.

She then just looked at me with her squinted eyes. She then gripped my hand for a few seconds before passing completely out.

"Lexi!?" I shouted slightly before Sam quickly came back down by me and Lexi to help me.

"Lexi! Come back, come back," Sam said feeling her neck and wrist for a plus, "nothing..."

"No, no, no, Lexi!" I said my hands on her face again.

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