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"Okay you guys go have fun and be safe!" Lucas said after our tour.

"Thank you!" Sam said to Lucas

I can't say I was paying full attention through that tour. Mainly because I was busy fidgeting. When we started the tour I just had started to get a worse and worse feeling about this place. Images have been running through my mind and have been getting harder to block out. My mind also trying to mess with my eyes, causing me to think a see something but nothing is there.

"Hey lexi, are you okay?" Sam asked looking over at me seeing me lightly tapping my foot and messing with my bracelet Colby got me.

"Huh not really," I said looking up at him and down at my hands.

"You're shaking a little also, do you want to sit?" Colby said rubbing his hand on my back.

"Y-yeah," I said beginning to stutter a little. We were in the lounge so Colby walked slowly with me to a couch. Sam grabbed his camera and set it up so you could see all of us.

"Really Sam," Colby said looking up at Sam and getting defensive of me.

"It's okay," I said with a slight stutter, "I'm already feeling better."

"What's happening?" Sam asked.

"I think my body is having a slight anxiety attack," I said.

"You don't have to do this, we can always get a hotel somewhere else," Colby said.

"No, it's okay, I want to do this but during the tour I started getting a really bad feeling about this place, and that's when I started to fidget." I said continuing to tap my foot and fidget with my bracelet.

"Are you going to be okay?" Asked Sam, sounding concerned.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I just need a few minutes." I said my stutter already gone.

"Okay, do you need anything?" Asked Colby standing up.

"No I'm okay," I said my foot starting to tap slower and my hand starting to fidget less.

"Okay," Colby said sitting back down and giving me a big hug.

A nice warm, safe hug was what I needed, I stopped fidgeting and curled up into the hug. My leg eventually stopped tapping during this hug, but I was focused on Colby and his warmth.

I felt my body stop shaking and my breathing slow back down. I could just stay in his hugs for eternity, they made you feel so safe.

"Thank you," I said to Colby still curled in his arms and chest.

"No problem, angel." Colby said whispering with his head resting on the back of my neck.

When he had called me angel my body came to a full rest. He hasn't called me in a while and it distracted me from everything that was happening.

"I'm okay now." I said still wrapped up enjoying this moment.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked coming into my view. I just nodded my head. Colby hugged me for a few seconds longer before letting me go.

"What happened?" Asked Colby pulling me up lightly to sit straight up facing him.

"Throughout the tour, this place really started to sink in and I got a really bad feeling. I kept getting these terrible images in my head, and I kept seeing things." I said looking at Colby's eyes.

"What kind of images?" Sam asked grabbing the camera and putting it on his lap. My eyes left Colby's and met Sam's.

"Just horrible situations, of our group, and people I've never seen before." I said slightly fidgeting again, "I remember one really well, we were in this really small room with copper like walls, it looked like an elevator but really old." I started to look around the room a little to try and remember all the details.

The Stanley HotelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora