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"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed pushing my nails farther into the dirt floor.

There was another loud demonic yell, shooting more fear into my body. I screamed as I was thrown into on of the dirt walls.

"Fuck..." I quietly cried as I put a hand on my back.

My back had took most of the impact. My vision was blurry and I could barely move. I let out another scream as I could feel a burning sensation on my leg as if it were on fire.

I quickly pulled my leg up to my chest and cried into it.

"I'm gonna have so much fun..." I heard the creature say was an evil laugh.

I cried harder. I didn't want to tell it to leave because I don't want to get Colby hurt. I stood up as soon as I could.

I started to run. Not fast enough but as fast as I could go. I could feel it behind me but nothing was there. I started sobbing harder as the pain in my back increased.

I looked back again, and there it was. It was just watching me. I turned back and pushed myself to run faster. Every wall was the same. Dirt.

I was running in a dirt maze with no way out. I looked back again and it was closer. Except it just sat and watched.

"Fuck," I said remembering my vision, "Astrid..."

"NO you fucking don't!" I heard behind me causing me to look back.

The creature started crawling towards me. I couldn't move. I body tried running but it was like I was paused.

"Astri-," I said before my lips couldn't move.

'Oh my god! Astrid if you're real please help me!' I shouted in my head as I tried to move.

I didn't move at all. I couldn't close my eyes. I could barely breathe. The creature stopped a few feet in-front of me.

"She can't help you..." it said making my heart race before the it jumped on me causing me to wake up.

"What the fuck?!" I said sitting up from the bed and looking around, "holy shit."

I put my shaky hands up to my head and ran them through my hair. I wiped away a few tears and tried to calm myself back down.

"It was just a dream..." I said to myself.

I let my eyes look around in the dark. Which was a stupid decision. My eyes started making out shadows of people and the creature everywhere. I quickly turned on the light next to Colby and I.

"Lexi?" I heard Colby say after a few seconds.

"Yeah?" I said chewing on my nails a little and zoned out on a wall.

"Is everything okay?!" Colby said noticing my tear stained face.

He sat up and got I front of me. He set his hands on my face and looked at me with the most concerned look I have ever seen.

"Yeah, it was just a dream..." I said.

"Tell me all about it, I love dream," Colby said making us both smile.

I did my best to explain the dream but I accidentally skipped the part where I felt my leg burning and where the creature leaped on me.

I didn't mean to skip it, but again I physically couldn't say anything about it. When I tried and failed I just skipped it because I didn't want Colby to be mad. I didn't want to start an argument.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked looking at Sam, who was still sleeping.

"Yeah," I paused, "I think that's why I was all scraped up."

"What do you mean," Colby asked looking back at me.

"I think the dream was like a flash back type deal. I remember going to the basement and seeing the creature in real life but I don't remember much after until I get in the hallway to our room," I explained.

I heard a loud growl next to me.

"What the fuck was that!" I yelled jumping back.

"What?" Colby said freaking out a little.

"There was a growl you can't say you didn't hear it," I said looking around the room.

"No I didn't," he said, "I think you're just a little jumpy from your dream. It was probably just sam snoring."

"Okay...sure," I said wiping my face.

I know damn well Sam doesn't sound like that. It sounded like a fucking wolf in my ear. Maybe Colby was right. Maybe I was just jumpy. Maybe I am going insane. Maybe the dream was real.

"Colby," I said as he started to fall asleep, it was around 3:20.

"Yeah?" He said opening his eyes again.

"I really do believe that dream is-," I said before there was a loud sound from the bathroom causing all of us jump.

"What the fuck happened!?" Sam yelled Sam he jumped up.

"I think the mirror broke," I said quietly, fear flowing through my body.

My head started throbbing again, and my back felling like how it did in the dream, and my leg felt like it was on fire. Just like the dream.

I went to go stand up but Colby grabbed my wrist.

"Don't," Colby said under his breath.

"It's okay," I paused, "I'll be fine."

"At least let me come with," he said looking deep into my eyes.

"Okay," I said then looked at Sam, "you coming too?"

"Yeah," Sam replied.

I nodded before taking a few steps closer. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up again. My head started throbbing before my vision grew darker.

I tried calling for Colby but nothing came out. I froze and stared at darkness for a millisecond before I saw a light. It grew bigger until it was a person.


"Get out of this hotel as soon as possible. Leave your stuff here, the boys can take theirs. I'll explain later," she demanded.

I quickly nodded before my vision returned.

"Holy shit," I whispered.

"What! What's wrong?!" I heard Colby yelled from behind me.

"I- I saw her again..." Colby looked at me with a dumb look, "Astrid."

"Oh shit..what did she say or do or whatever?" Colby quickly asked.

"She said we need to leave ASAP. She said I have to leave my stuff but you guys can take yours," I said stepping away from the bathroom towards Sam.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Im not sure. She said she could explain later," I said realizing how dumb I sounded.

Trusting a random spirit who claimed to be my spirit guide. Way to go Lexi.

"Okay," Colby said as him and Sam nodded.

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