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"See you guys later!" Said Seth as he closed the door behind him and Nick.

"We should probably head out too." said Kris.

"Agreed." I said standing up and pulling kris up.

"Dang, didn't know we were that boring!" Said Sam with a whinny attitude.

"Yeah, you guys are very boring." I said super sarcastically and sticking out my tongue.

Sam stuck his back out at me and we started to laugh. Me and kris put on or shoes and said our good byes and gave hugs.

"Bye guys!" I said before closing the door but before I could it was pulled open and I was yanked back in. "What are you doing?"

"You forgot your phone, Lexi," Colby said handing me my phone, "see look I'm not to mean." He said with a smile.

"Okay that's fair, now did I forget anything else?" I said with a little laugh, "No, Otay then bye!" This time closing the door behind me.

"See look at you to," Kris said looking back at me, "basically siblings."

I had slightly ignored her because my phone was unlocked. I had a password but nothing complicated, just 23789 I could easily remember.

But others couldn't easily guess it. I went through my phone to see why it would be unlocked or what happened when it was unlocked.

"What are you doing?" Asked Kris, and that is when it hit me that she knew my password. She was a close friend so I trussed her with it.

"Did you unlock my phone?" I asked her looking up from my phone.

"No..." she said trailing off.

"Who did you give the password?" I asked walking a little faster to walk next to her.

"No one...okay someone..." she said clearly not wanting to tell me.

"Who, Kris?" I said looking back at my phone and searching through it one more time.

"Just uh Sam..." she said and then I found him in my contacts, " and Kat..." then saw her, "and finally..." she trailed off but I found who it was I had got butterflies.

"Colby..." I said looking back up at her and she looked at me.

"Is that a problem? You say that like it was?" She said with panic in her voice.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm happy," I said not sounding happy at all.

"Okay good" Kris said with a smile and looked away.

I decided to give them their own little nicknames while we were in the car and Kris was jamming. Kat was, Ms. Energetic⚡️, Sam was, Mr. Mind-blown🤯, and Colby was slowpoke🦥.

"See ya Lexi!" Kris said, dropping me off at my house.

"Bye kris!" I shouted before running into my house and plopping onto my bed.

Ugh, how I missed how my bed had felt. I just wanted to lay there forever, but my phone had to go off. Except it was a good thing it made me feel happy and make me want out of my bed.

'Hey what you doing today'

'Nothing, just about to get lost on my bed'

'Haha I would, but my bed is not very comfy I was going to get lost on the couch'

'Yeah, what's up'

'Nothing really just wanted to talk to someone i guess
You were the first to come to mind'

'That's fair, how you doing? Still hung over?'

'Nah not really, it's already 3pm   And I didn't have much to drink last night'

'Same, I should probably clean up my room lol'

'Yeah I should to but do I wanna, no, am I gonna, no'

'That is a valid statement, I don't really wanna either. But I don't have anything better to do'

'You could talk to me'

'Haha I wish, we should hang out sometime'

'Why not now?'

'Cause I have to clean'

'I thought we came to agree that we weren't doing that?'

'Umm I think not'

'Too bad I'm on my way rn I need your address '

'Uhh fine I guess it won't kill me
*lexis address*'

Woah, how did that just happen?!? I threw my self onto the bed and realized how much I had been blushing. Luna did her best to hop up, and failed. I picked her up and she attacked my face.

Once I got her off I hurried up and brushed through my hair and threw on my comfy clothes, sweats and a sweater. Put on some fluffy socks and my HeyDudes.


'Okay I'm on my way down'


I headed down the stairs and that was when it finally had hit me the I was going to hang out with Colby Brock. I got outside and hopped into Colby's car.

"Gotta love the old red car" I said with a laugh and a smile as I buckled up. "Where are we going?" I asked while Colby started to drive away.

"Well I'm not to sure exactly, hoping you knew that," he started to laugh

"Okay well let's just go to somewhere to eat first then we can figure it out." I said knowing we both hadn't ate yet.

"Bet, you already know me to well." He said looking over and nodding at my hoodie. "Love the fit by the way, especially the XPLR merch."

"Oh, I didn't even mean to grab this." I said looking down at my sweater.

"Yeah sure." Colby said not believing what I had said.

"Hook me up to a lie detector right now I'll prove it." I said looking at him with confidence.

"Haha, yeah right, one day I will and I'll ask." Colby said looking at me and back at the road.

"Yeah, sure." I said mocking him almost exactly.

"Hey, that's my line!" He said mocking me form the other night.

"Mine now!" I said

"Your funny." Colby said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes I am." I said sticking my head up with confidence.

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