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*lexis POV*

As I looked through the door I saw Colby. Deep inside I felt so happy to see him. Except that feline was like locked in a cage, unable to show him how much I loved him.

He ran up and hugged me. I sucked in a quick breath of pain before talking.

"Ow, fuck," I managed to get out. He quickly let go and I rubbed my arm.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Fuck off," I said.

Wait what the fuck. I don't want to say that. What is wrong with me. Shit.

"Wait, no." I said as Colby's smile fell off of his face, "I didn't mean that idk what is wrong with me."

I grabbed my head. There was a throbbing pain everywhere, but my head was so much worse.

"What happened to you," Colby said with less love that the first time.

"It really hard to explain," I said, my head getting worse, "fuck me, do we have any ibuprofen?!"

"Yeah I do," Sam answered as he shuffled through one of his bags.

"Thanks," I said.

I quickly took some before sitting down.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked, Colby still seemed mad.

"Co-" Sam started.

"Nothing," Colby quickly replied interrupting Sam, "what happened to you?!"

What the fuck was the attitude for?

"I went looking for you guys and took a-," I froze it was like I couldn't say anymore, "I saw the-."

What the fuck is going on?!

"You saw what?" Colby asked getting a little irritated.

"I-, the-, what the fuck?!" I said.

"Just say it," Colby said.

"I can't..." I said quietly.

"Why not?!" Colby asked, clearly frustrated.

"I don't know, why are you so mad?" I asked.

"Because, I have been so nervous wondering where you have been and when I finally see you, you tell me to fuck off," he said yelling a little.

"I didn't mean to say that, o don't know why I did," I tried to explain, "something happened while I was gone and I can't explain."

"No don't fucking lie right now. The reason we were gone is because YOU are a fucking lier." Colby said as sam quickly left the room.

"What do you mean?!" I asked, my head pounding again.

"Be honest, who the fuck is, Theo Rafferty?!" Colby yelled.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I froze not knowing what to say.

"Fuck you," Colby said before quickly standing up and going to pack up his stuff.

"Wait, let me explain. Please," I said Colby stopped, "he is my Ex. We broke up 2 years ago-"

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Colby said, turning around and rushing towards me.

"I broke up with him because he was possessive, and he scared me a lot," I said Colby's face softened.

"Then why does he still post photos with you?!" Colby asked.

"Because he doesn't want to accept the fact that I left him. I had to move out of my home state, Tennessee, because he would stalk me and follow me around. I had to completely abandon social media for a few months." I froze waiting for Colby's response.

"That's it?" Colby sighed.

"Kind of. Ever since I've started social media again he has been there. Especially when I started Youtube. I did start instagram until a month or so ago, and since me and you have been all over the internet he found it. I'm he has been spamming me on there more than anyone else," I explained as Colby just stared.

"I didn't want to tell you because I hate even talking about him," I said.

"Oh, baby I'm so sorry," Colby kissing my head, it hurt even more.

"Fuck," I said putting my hands on my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he kneeled down to look at me.

"My head hurts so bad," I said sighing, "I'll be okay though."

"Are you sure?" He asked me. I just smiled and nodded.

"I love you," he said with a friendly smile.

"I love you too," I said before he kissed me.

I quickly pulled away without meaning to. Deep inside I wanted to keep kissing him put my body said no.

"Did I do something wrong?" Colby asked.

"No, I don't know what up with me," I sighed again, frustrated.

"It's okay, you look like you need a shower," he said laughing a light as I looked at my arms that were full of dirt and had scrapes everywhere.

"Yeah, I'll try to explain again later," I smiled at him, he just nodded. I grabbed some clothes as Colby went and got Sam.

I'm glad that Colby understands that I physically can't explain what happened to me. I'm glad he isn't mad at me. I'm glad he knows about Theo and I won't have to hide it, but I didn't want him to know yet.

I'm glad I have Colby.

When I finished my shower it was 10:30ish. I quickly but on my black shorts and one of Colby's shorts. When I got out of the bathroom I threw myself on the bed next to Colby.

"Hi Angel," Colby smiled, "what happed to your leg?"

I look down and it and there was two red lines from my ankle to my lower thigh. They were sticking out a little like a regular scratch would.

"I'm not sure," I said. But I knew what they were from, "I mean I know."

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's from th- th- fuck me," I tried to answer.

"Let me guess, you can't say?" Colby was still annoyed with it.

"I don't know what's happening, I know what's it's from but it's like I can't find the words. I know exactly what I want to say but it doesn't come out," I said looking over at him.

"It's okay, you're probably just tired, I know I am," he laughed a little.

"Maybe.." I quietly said.

I curled up in the blankets pulling them up to my chin before curling up into Colby's chest. It felt so warm and safe. I quickly fell asleep, 100% before him because he was playing with my hair.

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