Chapter 3

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"I am okay, Tara"

"No, you are not. Look at you , you can't even stand on your feet. Now stop being stubborn and let me drop you to your room"

Dhru never liked showing weakness but this time he was helpless.

As they were making their way up the stairs, they saw Dhriti coming down.

"Bhabhi.... you didn't sleep till now? Bhaiya has gone out of station...."

"I know , Dhru" Dhriti interrupted his explanation

"But how can I sleep knowing not everyone is back home as they should be"

"Sorry Bhabhi....if I had known you were waiting for me , I would have informed you prior. "

" I was not the one waiting , Dhru"

Dhru stiffened as it dawned on him about whom his bhabhi was insuinating.

He looked down not able to meet the eyes of his Bhabhi.Though Dhriti's face was composed, her eyes reflected her fury.

Both were silent but the atmosphere was crackling with unsaid tension.

"Bhabhi, Dhru got hurt in the leg earlier today. He should not be standing...." Tara trailled off as she tried to diffuse the tense situation.

Getting no response from Dhriti, Tara tried to guide Dhru away when her next words stopped them in their tracks.

" 5 years back, these four walls of the palace has seen an injustice done to an innocent girl. We are still carrying the burden of those sins. Please don't compound on it"

"What do you mean ,Bhabhi?" he asked perplexed turning around to look at his Bhabhi

"You are not a kid to not understand what I meant" she replied while looking between Dhru and Tara.

If it was anyone else other than his Bhabhi, they would not have seen the light of the day for suggesting such a disgusting thing.

Controlling his anger , he spat out

"We are just friends, Bhabhi"

"That we know but there is a world beyond these gates where you both spend maximum time. The world sees what they sees and they see a married man with a single woman while his wife is nowhere in the picture. Till now, Ranjan stopped me from interfering saying it is between a husband and a wife but the matter has gone beyond the bedroom walls. "

Dhriti was furious at the insensitivity of Dhru. To a certain extent, she could understand his anger but now water has gone above the head.

Dhru fisted his hand but could not refute her accusation.


"I am not talking to you , Tara" Dhriti said sternly silencing her with her one look.

Then turning to Dhru she warned,

"If you want to continue with your ways then please give her a divorce. Let her have her dignity at least"

With these words, Dhriti left leaving behind a shell shocked Dhru.


He couldn't contemplate with that word in this life time.

Yes, he is angry but that doesn't mean he loves her any less. ....

Yes, he is hurting her but he is not hurting any less....

He was lost to these thoughts when he heard Tara's voice from beside.

" Don't take to heart what Bhabhi said. We know what we are to each other , right?"

She then squeezed his hand in assurance which suddenly made him aware of how close they were standing. More close than what is permissible for a married man and a single woman.

He, both mentally and physically, put a distance. Seeing this sudden stance, hurt flashed across Tara's face but she immediately masked it over with a smile.

"Tara, you are my best friend and always will be but Bhabhi is right. I am a married man and it won't take much long for the rumour mills to run. I know how to handle them but I can't let them ruin your reputation . So I think it will be better, if we maintain some distance from now on"

Dhru tried to explain as gently as possible not wanting to hurt that one soul who has been with him from the beginning.


"It is already late. I can manage . You go and sleep"

Saying this Dhru walked away albeit with difficulty to his room as Tara looked on.....

As Dhru opened the door to his room, he was welcomed with the sight of his beautiful wife.

Automatically, his steps moved towards her. He stood staring at the sleeping beauty and his hand itched to trace that unblemished face.

The slight breeze through the open window was playing with her hair adding more to her beauty. Against his better judgement, he removed the hair from her face and tucked it beneath her ears. Then after placing a loving kiss on her forehead, he moved away.

If only he had turned back, he would have noticed the tears that fell from his wife's eyes.


"Nandhu....Today I have a meeting with an organizers, so I will be late. Don't worry if you are not able to get in touch. I have heard that the area has very poor cell reception. "

"Ansh, be careful"

The worried tone of his wife alerted him.

" What happened, Nandhu? You sound anxious"

"I don't know, Ansh but from morning I am getting this intuition that something wrong is going to happen"

"What will happen? You and Princess are here and I will be with a bunch of security. You are just being a worry lot"

"Hope so but still be careful"

"Okay my Jaan"

He lovingly kissed on her forehead while taking her in his embrace. Then with a smile goodbye, he took his leave.

As he disappeared from her view, Nandhu began feeling the full weight of her apprehension.

" Catch me if you can....."

Hearing their princess 's giggle ,she turned to her smiling which dimmed the moment she saw her companion.

"Who are you? What are you doing with princess?" she questioned the stranger in front.

"Mam, I am the temporary Nanny the agency sent over as your regular one came down with a viral"

Hearing her only increased Nandhini's distress. She immediately called the security to confirm the details.

On her insistence, they even double and triple checked the new maid and she came clean. Though it pacified her heart to an extent, she couldnt throw off the uneasiness in her.

Nandhini glanced at her daughter, playing with her new companion, who was clearly charmed by the young lady.

She then called our to her most trusted aide,

" Samaira, please watch over them. I will just be back after rechecking the script "

"Yes Mam. Take your time"

With a last nervous look at her daughter, she went into the study to finish off her work as soon as possible.

It took her nearly two hours to finish redrafting the script and now she needs a hug from her princess.

"Princess....princess...." she called out.

She know that her little princess love to hear her after she has finished her work. It will only take her a few seconds to rush inside on hearing her mother.

But when there was silence even after 10 minutes , Nandhini rushed to the play area, to witness it completely deserted.

Her eyes widened in fear as different possibilities washed over her. With a loud scream, she welcomed the blackness that came unbided....

Remorse and RegretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin