Mind boggling conversation (4)

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With a sigh, Kai turned to see Noelle sitting on the other bed across the room. Kai gave her a small smile and asked:

"Ready to talk?"

Noelle looked away from what Kai is guessing to be her own status screen. It's not like he can see hers anyway.

"Sure" Noelle answered as she looked back at him. Suddenly, Kai felt a shiver run up his spine as he felt the dark haired girls gaze on him. As her gaze continued on him the shiver got colder... and colder. Kai swallowed and wondered what the hell was going on.

What happened next is like what happens when someone turns on a light switch in a dark room. The shiver and dark coldness dissapear, leaving only a cozy warmth in his head and a frown on Noelle's face.

Strong mind... Kai realised as he noticed Noelle's frown. She must have used identify on me. So identify counts as a mind attack, but it's not a dangerous one so it warns me when someone uses it on me but it doesn't block it completely.

Well if it only warned him when someone used it and didn't block it, what use was the skill?

Kai ignored what just happened for the moment and decided to be sly by asking "So...what skills did you get?"

It's not like he expected much with the question, but if the mysterious and slighly scary Noelle was willing to be more open with him then maybe Kai wouldn't have to be so on guard.

Noelle's eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a frown. After a few moments she responded with:

"You first"

Okay then, I'll just answer first. Just as Kai opened his mouth to answer, he felt the same shiver run up his spine, only this time it's deeper, colder...darker.

Kai swallowed and froze in fear as the coldness tormented his body

What the hell is happening? That wasn't identify. What is-

She...she has some type of persuasion ability skill or something, mind control? Or her innate ability? I don't know.

Due to the effects of Strong mind, whatever kind of magic Noelle used didn't work, but Kai quickly answered her anyway.

"I got one that let's me see further than average in the dark and another that let's me identify stuff". Since it is obvious that Noelle doesn't trust him, Kai definitely shouldn't trust her, so making him seem weak and that she could definitely beat him in a fight would probably benefit him.

He also decided to mention his skill Lesser identify as if he had to hazard a guess then it was probably a skill anyone else who ended up here had, so if he didn't mention it Noelle could grow suspicious.

"And what about your innate ability" Noelle asked innocently. Her voice was sharp, but her tone was sickeningly sweet, yet it also filled Kai with abject horror. Strong mind kicked into overdrive, warning Kai about her ability. Kai felt the coldness build up more than before, warning him she was doing something extra for this question. Quickly adding things together Kai realised whatever sort of mind control or persuasion ability she had is her innate ability, hence why she is so curious yet forceful about his.

Quickly thinking about an answer that would sound realistic yet not too weak to sound made up, he acted as if he's in a trance and answered her question.

"My innate ability allows me to speak to animals and sentient creatures my level or up to five levels above me depending on my luck stat"

Feeling proud of himself, Kai successfully hid his smirk. What he answered wasn't technically a lie, he did kind of have the ability to speak with animals...only in his ability they are described as otherworldly creatures. And the final touch was mentioning the luck stat, since a few of his skills already have that mentioned it would sound realistic if she were to get or already posses a skill which also uses her luck stat.

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