Metaphor of the wolf (39)

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What... the hell?

Will of Ethania (???)

Looking down at the small, white bead in his palm, Kai can't help but swallow.

What does question marks as the rarity mean? Mythical? Did I just get a mythical item?

Slowly, yet nervously, moving his eyes downward to the description. Once his gaze starts to read the words before him, his heart rate can't help but pick up.

An unknown God appeared to Princess Ethania in a dream one night, offering her a way out of her dilemna. Princess Ethania accepted the God's offer and the God took away all of the princess's memories, storing them in this bead. This bead has no known use.

Kai stared at the description blankly, then blinked, then inwardly cursed.

What do you mean no use? Its a mythical item! How can a mythical item have no use? Wait... maybe question marks mean less then common... Damn it.

Closing the description and his status, Kai can't help but feel depressed. Getting a Miracle bead, which he has no idea what it does, and a bead containing a late princess's memories.

How useless... Wait... Didn't Failure say it was Ethania's will to protect the animals that manifested the trees... But if she had no memories, how could she have a will? I mean, this item is litteraly called Will of Ethania. Did he lie to me?

Getting up off the ground, Kai can't help but feel a little suspicious. If Failure lied to him about Ethania's tree, what else has he lied about?

What the hell is even going on anymore? I don't know what to think. I just want this all to be over soon. I want a break.

The excitement, the anticipation, every emotion Kai felt when he first unlocked his status screen is now dull. Everything is hard, everything is scary. He can't do anything himself, it's always he either loses his mind when using his innate ability or that someone else saves him. This world is just too big for someone like him, anything and anyone can kill him way too easily. It's...


Trudging back to the centre of the Dome, Kai can't help but wonder what to do next. He's finished reading the diary, he doesn't want to speak to Failure due to the doubt starting to appear in his mind, Aldred's out looking for the spy, Sofia and John are probably practicing with their new items and Noelle...

Who knows what goes on in her head?

A yawn escapes Kai's mouth as he makes it to the centre area. An idea, which is probably the smartest he's ever had in this whole damn place hits his mind, so he does it.

He curls up under a tree and falls asleep while cursing the world.


Two days passed since their mini Christmas party, and Kai still feels upset. The feeling of finding out you've been lied to is not a nice one, even if the lie is only a small one. It makes you doubt, and doubting makes makes you angry, which in turn makes you lonely.

Kai spent those two days slouching under that same tree he fell asleep under. No one came to check on him, which was fine with him, they probably didn't care about him anyway.

Once again, Kai tried to fall asleep under the dark shade of the tree after a hard day of doing absolutely nothing. His thought were empty and nothing mattered anymore. As long as he survives he'll make it through the tutorial. Why should he have to put his life on the line when he can just relax in the background while watching the world burn?

Just as he was about to fall asleep, Kai feels a large shadow fall over him. Inwardly grumbling, he opens his eyes and spots a large, gray wolf looking down at him.

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