I now get why characters backstories are so long, Im sorry (18)

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An old bicycle sat leaning against the wall. Sure it would a bit loud and rickety, but it worked good enough. So with her wound... better, her clothes fresh and her stomach fed, she set out to find out where she is.

Then, to get back to the compound and rescue Gabriel.

After a few hours of extremely slow and careful cycling incase she opens her wound, Noelle arrived in the town of Aswan, about forty miles from where she fell into the Nile.

After some heavy deliberation, some map work and a break to eat her pocket food, she realised that it would take her a week to cycle back to the compound, probably even longer as she would have to go slower as to not ruin her stitches.

But it would be too late by then, and with no other option, she does what she has to...

Sneaking into a car park on the very edge of Aswan, she quietly broke a car window with a rock, if that can be done quietly, and got in, quickly hot-wiring it and stepping on the gas, getting out of there before anyone arrived.

Noelle quickly left the town in favour of smaller roads so no one would see her driving with a broken window. Hours passed and thankfully nothing bad has happened on the journey... except for the fact that she ran out of fuel.

But she recognised her surroundings and remembered this is the way her an Gabriel ran away that night. She got out of the car she stole and started jogging towards the compound.

As she continued to jog, the sun set and the moon rose, it would probably be easier to sneak in while it's dark but she doesn't know for sure.

Finally, the lights of the compound appeared in the distance. She's close, she just needed to sneak in, find Gabriel, get out and maybe kill Rashik along the way...

...sounds easy.

Arriving at the side of the wall with with a hole in the fence, it was only her and Gabriel that knew about this place, they always came out here when they wanted some... alone time.

Once inside the compound, she snuck towards the cells, which is probably where Gabriel is

...only he wasn't.

So he must be in the interrogation room, which wasn't a good thing as it's mainly torture that happens in there.

Just as she was about to peek in the window to see if Gabriel was in there, two of her unc- Rashik's goons brought a bag out of the room, chuckling to themselves and talking about something Noelle was too far away to hear.

She peekes into the interrogation room and saw that it's empty now, so she followed the two men. They dumped the bag out in the rubbish area of the compound. Once the men leave, Noelle crept up to the bag and opened it... and her heart drops.

The first thing she saw when she opened the bag was Gabriel's lifeless eyes, followed by his toothless mouth, followed by the bloody flesh where his fingernails should be... followed by a missing leg.

Noelle had seen many messed up things in her time in the compound. Torture, beheadings, rape... But none of it bothered her much beside the raping, it was kind of creepy how apathetic she was.

But this... seeing this, she couldn't hold back her tears. They flowed freely down her face as she reached out and tenderly touched his face.

Every single bit of emotion she had stored inside her in the last eleven years was set free in one, agonising wail.

The boy who loved her for who she really was, died for who she now is.

Noelle could never go back to a normal life, not after she realised the truth of her parents death. She would either have to stay with the group for the rest of her days, run away and be hunted down by the group for the rest of her days... or die.

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