Countdown (35)

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Failure grins and leans forwards towards the fire. He joins his hands and interlockes his fingers, as his eyes gaze into the flames his pupils dutifully reflect the enchanting light.

"How exactly does your ability grow?"

Kai frowns as the question comes out of Failures mouth.

"Grow? What are you on about?"

Failure waves his hand dismissively and shakes his head.

"Ah, it was a rhetorical question. What I mean is that is is possible for innate abilities to upgrade themselves or even unlock new aspects. Achieving a great feat, putting your life on the line, accidently drinking the blood of a mythical dragon, last one actually happened by the way.

Look at your first aspect for example, it's limit is up to five levels above you, outside the tutorial that is extremely lacking when compared to other innate abilities as what are the chances you'll meet someone your own level. The way it works is sometimes, not all the time, reaching certain levels increases the stats of your aspects.

Aspects that grant five per cent extra Strength at level twenty-nine could give ten per cent at level fifty. Of course this is just an example, someone with that aspect could end up still having only five per cent extra at level fifty, nobody knows how it really works. Well, maybe some gods do, who am I to know?"

Kai stares blankly at Failure a few times, then blinks and asks:

"What do you mean what are the chances I'll meet someone my own level? What level are most people."

Failure shrugs.

"How am I meant to know? I may know a lot here, but this is only a subdimension."

What.... subdimendion? if this forest is a subdimension, how big is the real world?

"What do you mean this is only a subdimension?"

Failure sighs and leans back in the comfortable armchair. He takes a deep breath and begins.

"The world has five main kingdoms, at least it did last time I heard, and countless subdimensions for smaller Gods or kingdoms to rule over. They do have a ranking competition every one hundred years to decide the top five, but I don't know, it's been millenia after all.

There's a group of Gods who organise the summoning of new worlds, then they split the summoned across various kingdoms, empires, cults, pantheons etcetera. Those same Gods then split the work among their attendants, each attendant is assigned a tutorial, and each tutorial has a varied amount of newcomers.

Once the tutorials end, anyone who survives moves on to the main world where they usually get recruited, you probably have a good chance of getting recruited by someone semi decent, so don't worry."

So much information...

Rubbing his temples, Kai reminisces about how remembering things in school wasn't really his strong suit, he was more of a repetitive learner, doing something over and over again until it became muscle memory.

"So I'm in a subdimension which shouldn't really be called a subdimension, Gods created the Flashing and I'm going to get scouted after all this is over."

"Sounds about right, great summary."

Sighing, Kai relaxes back into the softness of the armchair and asks:

"I... don't know what to do with all that so I'll just leave it for now... How did you handle the white room though?"

Failures brow crinkles.

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