Mementos (110)

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Actually, now that Kai thought about it, he really didn't know what happened at the end of the tutorial.

Failure did say that Aldred and the moon beasts had a way to survive, which Kai was doubtful of, but it turned out to have worked in the end since Aldred had given Umbra some of his blood.

But what about Failure? Had the charismatic man survived? Had the Demon died? What was the fate of the forest now?

Well, some of those questions could be answered if he opened his status to see what notifications he had received, so that's what Kai did.

And there was two very important ones right at the top.

You have slain crippled abomination of Eradication

You have slain imperfect abomination: 37th born of Eye of the Moon

So those were the names of the abominations that had tormented Failure and Aldred for an amount of time that Kai had no idea of. Well, mainly the imperfect abomination, the crippled one only tormented them for a few minutes, max.

But then again, there was also the fact that that was what they were.

A crippled abomination and one that was described as imperfect were enough to torture Aldred and Failure, beings that Kai thought were incredibly strong.

Then again, they could have been. Kai still had no idea how the powerscaling of this whole situation worked. Normally, they would go off of levels or the rank of someone's soul, but unless it was just the fact that no one bothered to inform Kai, he had no idea how strong the Demon, Aldred or even Failure was in the vast scope of things.

Then, there was also the fact that the Demon was the thirty-seventh born of Eye of the Moon. Does that mean that there's thirty-six abominations out there somewhere that are even stronger than the Demon was?

Kai's body shuddered.

Whoever and wherever Eye of the Moon really was, Kai was sure at this point that he never wanted to meet the guy. He just sounded even more perverted and even more demonic than ever the demons in the story about the Nation of Lust that the Ever-changing had told him.

Then, there was the notification that was under those two.

You have received an item

Kai's grin widened.

An item from one of those two horrible abominations had to be pretty strong, right?

And instantly, Kai could tell from the name which abomination the item had come from.

Blade of Eradication (Legendary)

Kai's heart skipped a beat.

A legendary weapon?

One that had the overpowered ability of that weapon abomination in the name?

Hell yes.

Instantly, Kai summoned the weapon from his soul, not really knowing what to expect. This weapon had come from the thing that had nearly killed him after all.

Strangely though, the weapon did not appear in Kai's hands. Instead, it appeared on the padded floor of the white room.

In comparison to Life Eater, this blade was much larger and much thicker.

That was another thing actually. While this weapon had been in the form of a double headed axe, now it was more of a longsword.

Its edge was much, much sharper than Kai's own claws or sword, and it was also a lot more durable.

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