War propaganda (44)

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Slowly opening his eyes, Kai lifted a hand to block out the light as he sat up. A yawn escaped his lips as he stretches and starts to stand up.

Noticing somethings off, he turned to the side and spots a gray wolf lying on the ground beside him. The wolf had its head resting on its front paws as its body moved upwards and downwards with its breaths.

The wolf's snout twitched slightly, then the gray beast opened its eyes and turned it's head to face at Kai.

"Twenty hours. I was starting to worry you would never wake up."

"Twenty hours?" Kai exclaimed, shock evident in his tone. Back on Earth, the most he ever slept was twelve, meaning he beat his record by eight whole hours.

Clearing his throat to hide his embarrassment, Kai coughs and scratches at the back of his head, picking out some leaves which are stuck in his hair.

"Whenever I'm upset or stressed I sleep longer, it's something I've always done."

It's not really a lie, so Aldred grunts in recognition, the wolf then pushes himself off the ground and starts walking, not waiting for Kai to follow.

"Come, Catalyst, a meeting is about to be held."

Blinking a few times, Kai watches the wolf trot before quickly scurrying over to catch up.

"Is... is everyone going to be at the meeting?"

Something Kai wanted to put off for longer than a few minutes after waking up was seeing Noelle and Failure. Looking back at what happened, Kai can admit he overreacted a bit, but that doesn't mean he's going to apologise.

Noelle had anger problems and tons of trauma weighing her down, and Failure was even more confusing. The charismatic man Kai got to know in the cozy cabin could all be an act, and with no way to know or not Kai can't help but be doubtful of who he thought was a friend.

If he lied about Ethania, what else could he have lied about. For all I knows he could've made up litteraly everything he's told me, and with no way to know-

Feeling like an idiot, Kai shakes his head slightly as he realises there is in fact a way to know, that way to know being right in front of him.

"Aldred, is the corroding real?"


The wolf grunts, nothing else to add onto the one-word answer.

"Is everything Failure said true?"

Another grunt.


Seemingly satisfied, Kai falls quiet
and thanks to himself while following behind the gray moon beast.

I guess its true then. Then again, Aldred could just be lying as well, Failure did basically raise him. Still, I should take into account master's warning about who to trust and all.

Eventually, the duo reach Failure's cabin, the petite building basking in the artificial sunlight of The Dome. Entering the door, Kai spots that the inside is completely different. What was a a cozy living room with a fireplace and a couple of comfy armchairs is now a full on meeting room adorned with lanterns on the walls and a long table reaching from one side of the room to the other.

The meeting room is about thirty meters in length with the same wooden chairs accompanying its length the whole way up. The sight before Kai reminds him slightly of Game of Thrones. Not the whole beasts at a table aspect though, mainly the dimly lit area with a serious aura surrounding it.

Sitting around the table is various moon beasts of different races and a couple of humans. Sofia, Noelle and John are all sitting together near the centre and there's three other humans Kai has spotted around the Dome from time to time but never spoken to before.

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