Cabin fever (60)

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Kai woke up with a crack.

Whatever way he slept wasn't right, so when he sat up after who knows how long his neck let out a sharp crack. It wasn't nice.


Kai was, quite frankly, absolutely wrecked. He had been running on fumes the last few days, but he was the one who had done it to himself. He had so much to do and so little time to achieve it.

His statshifting was coming along nicely, so was his training with Umbra. The only thing that could be said to be lacking would be his motivation.

Everything he had done in the last few days were done on the premise of survival, but if this is the final stage and he does end up surviving the tutorial...

What would he do after?

The easy answer was to eat enough food to last a whole city and sleep for a month afterwards, but how realistic was that?

What The Ever-changing had told Kai about the new world outside the tutorial was scary. Shifty, extremely strong beings trying to force him into unfavourable contracts. Galaxy Eaters who can accidently create gods by eating and excreting apples and much more.

Even the gods could be terrible. Based off Princess Ethania's diary, some gods could just be massive perverts who abuse their power if they get a litte butthurt.

Kai know knew how lucky he was The Ever-changing wasn't like that.

Well, they could be. They are called The Ever-changing after all, how east would it be to change their personality?

Kai dismissed the thought. The way his master acted when asking about the different ways of speaking was too genuine to be fake.

Kai hoped it was, anyway.

Grunting, Kai pushed himself of the ground and made his way over to the waterfall.

This was an essential part of his routine after all. He felt as if he didn't shower under the freezing cold water he would just fall asleep randomly at some point in the day.

While showering, Kai looked down and delicately traced a finger on his stomach. The faintest outline of abs could be seen on what was once a chubby mess.

The sight gave Kai a bittersweet smile.

Once he was washed and dried, Kai trained with Umbra for a while before deciding to take a stroll.

It was peaceful.

Until it wasn't.

"Catalyst, I've been looking for you."

Hearing a gruff voice behind him, Kai turned around and spotted a large gray wolf standing calmly behind him.

Large, yellow eyes, claws sharper than any blade Kai had ever seen and a tail that looked as powerful, if not more, as the Depth Dweller's tentacles.

Of course Kai knew the furry being behind him.

"Hey Aldred, how are you doing."

Kai resisted the urge to yawn as he spoke, he was an extremely polite person after all.

The large beast looked at him blankly for a few seconds, before opening his maw and responding in his signature tone.

"There are two reasons I came looking for you. The first is to do with congratulations."

Now it was Kai's turn to blink.

"For what?"

Aldred remained silent for a few moments, letting out a small sniff as if to make sure of something.

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