A stranger with an even stranger story (14)

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And finally, the most heavenly and soul soothing sound entered his ears.

Creature killed: ??? abomination of the quater moon

[40 XP earned]

Ha...haha... all that for... a measly 40 XP...

Before Kai could even begin to complain about his newly upgraded Luck, his head hit the ground as he passed out from exhaustion.


"Well that didn't look very fun"

A voice Kai didn't recognise echoed through the air around him.

Voice... what?

Slowly opening his eyes, Kai felt them burn. Squinting, he lifted his hands to shield them as he let out a hiss.

T...there's light?

After his eyes adjusted to the light, Kai looked in the direction the voice came from and saw... the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

The woman sat elegantly on an outdoor chair with a cup of tea beside her on a table. Now that Kai looked around, he realised that the table and chair are the only thing in the area. Surrounded by endless sky and vast horizons, the sight couldn't help but feel a little... eerie.

Moments seemed to pass in slow motion, moments in which Kai didn't realise he was gawking at the bewitching lady.

The main feature of the woman's appearance was the metal collar around her neck. The dark gray collar looked as if it would weigh a ton, but she didn't react to it at all.

The woman had long black hair, down to her waist. She wore a red dress that looked like something only a supermodel could to pull of, but she does it easily. Her eyes were light green and had some sort of shine to them, like they twinkle as if they have a star in them... only there is.

Looking deeply into her eyes, Kai spotted a small, white star shining among the dense green of her pupil. He only realised he was gawking after she giggled slightly and said:

"Has no one taught you not to stare at a lady? Oh well, I haven't had a visitor in a long time so I'll allow it. Come, sit"

She gestured to another chair across from her, with a cup of tea appearing on the table as well. Looking back up at him, she smiled, and Kai couldn't resist that smile.

Blushing slightly, Kai approached the enchanting woman and sat down, looking at his lap as he could't bear to look her in her eyes. For some reason Nonchalance wasn't helping calm his nerves in this situation...

As if reading his mind, the dark haired lady took a sip of her tea  then said:

"Of course your little skill won't  help you, that only helps in situations many would find themselves stressed in, the only problem being that many wouldn't be in the situation you're currently in, so it has no idea what to do"

Kai glanced up for only a second, and the woman smiled, the smile more captivating than anything Kai had ever seen. If he had to describe it... he couldn't.

"Well, it could be worse... at least my apprentice is a cute one this time, the last one was so revolting to look at."

Kai blushed slightly, but then stopped himself after realising something that she said.

"Your apprentice... as in me? Are you-"

"Hush, child, can I not enjoy my last few moments of piece. If you are to end up like my last apprentice I will need all these moments of calm, no?"

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