One sided beatdown (36)

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"Please, Failure, just what are you getting at?"

Failure turns away from the window, a serious expression on his face.

"We have to win in less than two weeks, otherwise we all die anyway."

The temperature in the room seems to drop a few degrees after Failure finishes speaking. The situation they are stuck in is truly precarious. It's like their walking alone a tightrope with no pole for balancing all the while balancing a stack of books on their head.

Breaking the silence, Failure closes his eyes and says:

"I'm going to rest, Kai, I'm going to rest for a few days and then hopefully I will have thought of a plan. There's too many unpredictabilities and outliers to make the final judgement just yet.

I want you to get Noelle, the red haired woman and your familiar and start training together. A team should be able to synchronise, if they are unable to do this a single slip up could be fatal. You will never survive by yourself in this world, unless you are the embodiment of resilience and tenaciousness.

Of course, if there's anyone else you would like in your group, be my guest. I'll give you first pick, then I'll have Aldred split the rest of the moon beasts and humans into teams. There's... a lot to do in the next few days."

The once cozy cabin feels a lot colder. A lot is going to happen to Kai in the next two weeks, and even more so to Failure. Looking at the brown haired man, Kai can spot traces of fatigue and something else he can't quite make out.

"Alright... thank you, Failure. I'll leave you to rest."

Failure nods in thanks as Kai gets up from the armchair. He walks over to the door of the cabin and exits the homely space. Kai sighs and opens his status screen.

Level: 13

I want to get to level fifteen before anything drastic happens. If I can get some sort of attacking skil that would be great, but a useful one would also do... Now that I think about it... why would I need an attacking skill?

Looking back on everything that's occurred so far, Kai realises he's been doing everything the wrong way. Why would he need an offensive skill when he has a perfectly good wolf for his protection.

Any support skill could arguably be better than a skill that does damage due to the fact Umbra's physical stats are way above his. Kai could spend his unnasigned stat points on Strength or Dexterity, but that would mean neglecting his innate ability, which is something he really doesn't want to do as its too crucial to his kit.

Overall, it seems like a waste to want an offensive skill, some type of utility or defence skill seems much more useful for someone like Kai, while Umbra should be the one with more offensive skills. Even if Kai has no skills that do damage, he could always use Will of the Kaiser and either get the massive stat boost from using Umbra as the base or he could get another creature that likes doing damage.

Looking at his status screen again, Kai scrolls down to Contract of Artemis and looks at his familiars stats.

Umbra: Wolf of the crescent moon

Level: 14

HP: 170


Strength: 25

Dexterity: 25

Constitution: 17

Mana 8 (+1)

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