Eleven years of anguish (95)

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Rashik wasn't able to react quick enough when Noelle attacked, whatever she had done made her much quicker than previously, he didn't even have enough time to lift his blade to block the blow.

Then again, it's not like he needed to block the attack in the first place.

Rashik simply grinned as he dissolved into the shadows below his feet, Noelle's blade hitting nothing as her swing missed.

A moment later, Rashik appeared a few metres away and grinned teasingly.

"What was that? Got some of your own tricks up your sleeve, eh?"

Noelle didn't answer, she remained completetly silent as he eyes focused on the armoured man before her. Talking was a nuisance, talking would waste time, talking was unnecessary.

Without delay, Noelle charged at Rashik again, her scimitar glowing a dark rainbow due to the effects that were placed upon it.

This time, Wa'rak did not dodge, he instead took Noelle head on. His silver blade clashed against Noelle's glowing scimitar, sparks flying from where both weapons met.

Rashik won in the strength department.

Noelle's bones reverberated from the blow as she hopped backwards just as Rashik swung his blade. His silver sword missed her throat by a few inches, to which he promptly attacked again by fusing with the shadows and emerging behind Noelle, who was still mid jump.

Rashik growled as he thrust his blade forward, aiming for the back of Noelle's neck. He hoped to kill her instantly with this one blow.

With an uncanny level of refined finesse, Noelle turned her body mid air and swung her scimitar to intercept Rashik's sword. Both weapons let out a clang as they collided.

Noelle then used the backlash from the block to launch herself backwards to give herself some more space. She had no idea how she was doing it, but she was doing something. All her movements just felt... right.

Glaring at Rashik, Noelle noticed that one of her enchantments was already to take effect. Along the edge of Rashik's sword, a subtle purple was emerging, slowly dissolving the metal.

Rashik, who had also noticed this, scowled and shook his blade, trying to get the purple rust to fall off, but it was to no avail.

Not wanting to give him anytime to figure out her game plan, Noelle rushed at Rashik so they could continue their clash.

Both of their bodies moved masterfully as they dodged and attacked in equal succession.

Rashik would constantly dissolve into the shadows that surrounded them and quickly emerge somewhere else, attempting to catch Noelle off guard and hit her with a sneak attack.

Noelle would anticipate those attacks and would rapidly angle her body in a way that allowed her to defend herself while also offering her some safety incase Rashik tried to hide in the shadows again.

Neither had managed to do any meaningful damage to the other, but Noelle's scimitar had hit off of Rashik's dominating obsidian black armour a couple of times so far, creating a few cracks on its body from the corrosion effect.

Even though one should be dominating the other, it was a stalemate.

Once more, Rashik attempted to kill Noelle. Lifting up his silver blade, he grunted as she slashed down with all his might while Noelle was recovering from her last dodge.

Noelle managed to tilt herself to the side at the last second as the blade brushed her side, cutting off a few strands of her raven black hair. Rashik then followed up with a low kick, aiming to get Noelle off balance or even knock her to the ground. Noelle quickly reacted by lifting her foot and quickly stomping it down to try and crush the leg, but Rashik simply dissolved into the shadows before she could.

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