A fruitful fishing trip (33)

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With a wide range of possibilities and many things to test before he runs out of Mana, Kai grins and starts his ghostly experiments.

He reaches down to his hip for his dagger, but feels nothing. Frowning, Kai looks down at where the scabbard should be, and his already ghostly complexion pales as he realises on very bad feature about this new form that he should've realised by now.

I'm... naked...

His eyes scan the ground around him and after a few moments he spots his gray bodysuit in a heap under the tree he fell off.

Floating over to his clothes, he reaches down, but his see through arm passes right through them. Frowning, Kai reaches for the handle of his dagger, which his hand also passes through.

Sighing, Kai stands... floats straight and looks down at his only source of protection from being spotted naked.

Well... maybe no one can see me. That could be true... No, people probably still see me, just they can also see through me. Still, there's a lot of things I need to test.

For experiment number one, Kai decides to test was he really immune to all physical damage. Readying himself, he takes a deep breath and flies as fast as he can towards the tree opposite him.

The bark of the tree gets closer and closer as Kai's heart rate picks up, really hoping he won't just smack into the hard bark.

Just as his face is about to kiss the bark, darkness covers his eyes as he continues flying forward. Not even a second later, his sight returns as he comes out of the other side of the tree.

Bringing himself to a stop, Kai catches his breath, which really isn't nessesary as he currently doesn't have a physical form to breathe for, and turns around.

The tree he just passed through looks the exact same as before, no differences at all. Smiling, Kai floats back towards the tree and enters the base. His whole body dissapeared into the tree, hiding him completely.

Then, a nose emerged from the bark, followed by the rest of a face. Kai watched the forest as he stayed put inside the tree, hiding the rest of him completely.

This would be great for spying on someone, I could be the greatest spy alive-

Maybe not alive, but a great spy nonetheless. I'm immune to attacks and can hide anywhere, this is great.

His incorporeal form emerges from the tree as he opens his status menu.

Wraith mode costs twelve Mana a minute to sustain, and it gives me an extra 10, meaning I can keep this form for... sixteen minutes.

While the time limit was more than expected, the greatest boon to this form is that Kai can still think rationally as his will stat stays the same, unlike the Goblin and Hobgoblin mode. But while Wraith mode does have quite a few good aspects, it has an equal amount of bad ones.

I can't even touch anything like this, how am I meant to hit anything? Damn, I wish I had Earth spike now.

While he may say that in a passing thought, Kai has grown to love Umbra way too much to give her up for a chunk of rock, that wolf was just to precious to him now.

The other problem is that while Kai is immune to physical damage, any sort of magic attack would be extremely bad for him. Having no idea how his health works in this form, one singular spell could end up killing him as its not like his new form can bleed, so would that mean spells would do extra damage to make up for blood loss.

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