To tease or not to tease, that is the question (72)

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Kai made his way around the large group of beasts towards where the people he knew was. He wasn't going to go near Noelle just yet, so he decided to not make things complicated for Sofia and John by just going to Aldred and Failure.

Kai really had no idea what to think of Failure. The man was an enigma in every possible sense. Willingly sacrificing beasts in the tunnel and then being so passionate about saving them. Unless he had a split personality, Kai could not understand for the life of him how he could change his ways so quickly.

Maybe that was why he sometimes seemed normal and other times like a living corpse.

Eventually reaching the wolf and man duo, Kai started walking beside them. After a moment of silence, he asked:

"Where exactly is the Mother Tree?"

Before Failure could answer, Aldred turned his furry head slightly and spoke in his signature gruff tone.

"Not far. A few hours on foot."

Kai's heart dropped.

"A few hours?"

A few hours of walking was not something Kai wanted to do today, or any day in fact. Wouldn't all the beasts and humans be absolutely wrecked by the time they got to the tree? How on Earth are they meant to fight when they've used all their energy to get to the battlefield?

Actually, in roman times and stuff they probably had to travel distances even longer than a few hours to engage their enemies in battle. So should Kai be complaining?

Probably not, but he was still going to.

The cogs in his mind start turning as an ingenious idea forms in his head. This idea was so incredible, so wondrous, that maybe Kai had been a genius all his life without knowing. Maybe if there was someone that could carry him...

Glancing to the side, Kai hid his grin as he finalised his target.

"Aldred, would you be willing to-"


Kai froze. Playing innocent, he said:

"But you don't even know what I'm going to say."

Aldred grunted.

"I do, and the answer is no."

Kai's heart broke as his shoulders slumped. Defeat found its way into his heart as he wallowed in self-pity. It seemed he wouldn't be getting carried on the gray wolf's back. But how did Aldred know?

Life is unfair...

Hearing a laugh erupt from the other side of the wolf, Kai glared at the source and said:

"You look like you don't have much to do, why don't you carry me instead?"

Failure continued to laugh as he walked close beside Aldred. His steps were swift and nimble, no room for extra movement. Even when it came to walking, Failure was perfect.

As I said, life is unfair.

"If you wish for me to carry you, all you have to do is ask. I'm sure the people around us would love to see that sight.

I remember seeing in your memories that a type of story that was popular in the world was 'BL'. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it always involved two men so we could potentially do it."

Kai sighed he shook his head. He gave up on the thought of getting a free ride while listening to Failure's obliviousness.

"No, we will not be doing that. And I'm sure if you knew the meaning then you wouldn't want to do it either."

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