Beginning of the end (51)

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Looking back down at the reflection of his soul in the river, Kai did some mental calculations of how possible it would be to move his stat points.

The reason he even thought it was possible in the first place is that he can only see the dots in his own soul, meaning he definitely can't do it for anyone else.

It also means that it's something special about his own soul. Be it his class or maybe something about his bloodline, it could be possible.

The other reason is that he doesn't think it would be that hard to take a pinch of the much bigger golden dot of Luck and combine it with his extremely lacking Dexterity. If this plan works, Kai could be a walking, well, anything.

The possibilities that open up by being able to increase or decrease any stat seems almost limitless, but that's only if it works.

Sitting down on the damp grass, Kai looked into the river at his silhouette and slowly reached out a hand for the golden dot in his bleak soul.

His hand passes effortlessly through the silhouette, nothing happening at the movement. Trying again, Kai does the same but with only a single finger.

The result is still the same.

Not wanting to give up, Kai tried everything he could think of in an attempt to make his incredible idea work.

Fingers, nails, squinting, even using his toungue which The Ever-changing warned him not to do.

None of it worked.

Maybe its because my stats are lacking...

With the idea that the failures are because of his stats, Kai activated his partial transformation. With his right arm now covered in hair with claws growing from his fingernails, he tenderly reached out towards the golden dot, attempting to slice it with a claw.

His claw passed through the reflection of his soul, but a shiver ran up Kai's spine at the same time.

It... it worked!

He felt something when his claw passed through his soul. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, just strange.

This was a really weird experience. His soul, which he could only see in his silhouette in the water, just got touched by him. He shouldn't even be able to, it' not like his soul was even in the water.

He wasn't going to complain though.

A mad grin grew on Kai's face as he once again thought about all the possibilities of being able to transfer his stats himself. About to be hit, bulk up your Constitution. Want to dodge? Stack your Dexterity. Want to hit hard? Reinforce your Strength. The possibilities are endless.

On a timer because partial transformation costs Mana, Kai got back to work at trying to figure out how to actually make this work.

Continuously, he swiped a single claw through the golden dot that represented his Luck, and with each swipe he felt as if he was getting closer and closer to a breakthrough.

After what felt like hours, it finally happened.

-1 Luck

A miniscule golden dot split off from the much larger one. The dot was floating freely through Kai's soul, the miniscule spark moving incredibly slow.

Using his claw again, Kai tenderly touched the golden spark and guided it over towards the blue dot which wasn't much bigger.

What happened next was one of the most beautiful things Kai had ever seen

+1 Dexterity

I did it!

The small blue dot representing Dexterity grew slightly bigger after it combined with the golden spark. There was an almost unnoticeable flash of light as they fused.

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