Peer pressure at its finest (19)

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"Oh.... hello Noelle, fancy seeing you here" Rashik said with the same goddamn grin on his face.

So what did Noelle do?

She pulled out her scimitar and charged right at him.

Looking back, she could probably admit she might have been a bit too blinded by rage in the moment. Luckily, she was in the moment, not looking back on it.

But where did this leave poor Kai in the whole situation?

Right in the middle of the damn thing.

Watching Noelle fly past him, Kai nearly stumbled onto the ground in a panic. His head whipped around as he saw Noelle just about to reach Rashik.

"Noelle! What-" His words were cut short by the sound of Noelle's scimitar clanging off... Shorty's shortsword?

Remembering how Noelle made fun of him for his dagger, saying the weapon matches the person, Kai couldn't help but agree in this situation.

The thing is... Shorty was really good with that sword, not as good as Noelle, but much better than a fifteen year old should be.

Kai looked around and inspected the dire situation around him. Sleepy was watching the fight, analysing as if he waiting for the perfect moment, Shorty and Noelle engaged in their swordfight, Umbra was guarding Kai and Red as she bared her fangs, and Rashik... was gone. Kai could only assume he was watching from somewhere, but he would like to hope he just up and left.

Picking up Red off the ground, he helped her hobble over to under one of the trees and set her down behind it, hiding her slightly from the view of everyone.

Coming out from the tree, Kai pulled out his dagger and started making his way towards Noelle to help her. Once he was about half way to reaching the duelling pair, Kai was... sent flying into a tree?

His back cracked against the hard bark of the tree, making him cough up blood as he fell to the ground. Looking up, he couldn't see anything that could have hit him, but he quickly put two and two together and realised it must've been that camouflaged bastard who sent him flying.

Groaning as he stood up, Kai looked around and concentrated on his Luck stat, trying to do what he done earlier and break through the camouflage.

He failed.

Getting hit in the side this time, Kai was launched sideways, further away from Noelle and consumed by the darkness in the gap between two trees. Kai desperately tried to think of anything to help, but he failed. He's out of unnasigned stat points, his only weapon is a dagger, Umbra should be able to help a little though...

... Kai grinned as realisation hits, quickly opening his status and scrolling to Contract of Artemis, he looked at Umbra's newest skill, the one The Ever-changing said they helped with.

[Grace of The Ever-changing (Legendary)] The Ever-changing expended some energy to humbly grace his apprentices wolf with the blood of ???. Allows Umbra to bond with her contracter, allowing them to use Umbra as the base for Will of the Kaiser.

"Ha....hahahaha" Kai laughed happily as he got punched again. Looking up in his status screen to see his HP, he saw that he'd lost... forty!

With only thirty HP left, Kai activated Will of the Kaiser and Grace of The Ever-changing. Umbra's form shimmered and disappeared, meanwhile Kai's started to change. He started to grow taller, much taller. Reaching nearly eight feet, Kai's eyes slowly started to change colour to a dark yellow as claws started to grow from his fingernails. His body got bulkier and hairier, to which his gray bodysuit expanded to accompany his growing body. It didn't strain, surprisingly, meaning there is something special about the piece of clothing.

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