Greenery and... more greenery (9)

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Commencing stage 3 of tutorial

"Hey, wait!" Kai panicked as the familiar white light blinded his eyes. He swung his arms wildly, trying to grab at anything. His right hand connected with a water bottle, only he accidently sent it flying away.

A few moments pass and the light started to dim. It's onnly after the brightness dissapeared did Kai dare to open his eyes. Once he did open them though, he saw... A forest?

Standing somewhere in a dense forest, Kai swallowed and looks around.

The trees were gargantuan. Each was much taller than any tree on Earth, bar maybe the tallest tree in the world.

What was eerie though, was that the forest had no light. The tops of the trees blocked the sun and moon, leaving Kai in the dark.

He spotted Noelle a few metres away, looking around cautiously, but... Wait...

What happened to her robe?

Wrapped around Noelle's tanned body is a gray bodysuit with purple stripes decorating it, she also had a normal pair of boots on her feet. The iconic gray robe and bare feet look seems to be out of fashion now.

Being a polite human being and not looking at where the bodysuit hugged some... other places... Kai looked down to her waist and frowned. A scabbard is attached to her hip, a hilt poking out of it. Kai looked curiously at it and asked:

"What's in the scabbard?"

Noelle turned away from wherever she was looking and looked at Kai blankly, as if he's an idiot.

"A blade, obviously"

I know it's a damn blade, but I want to know what blade... She's intolerable, honestly.

Sighing, Kai looked down at himself and saw a similar bodysuit hugging his body, only his bodysuit is gray with an even darker shade of gray making up the stripes, while Noelle's stripes were a dark purple.

He also spotted a scabbard around his waist, only his is smaller... Pulling out the blade, he saw that it was a dagger. He lifted it up and swung it a few times, testing it.

He'd never held a dagger before, so it was a strange experience.

Noelle flinched slightly as he does this, as the dagger he has now looked like what the ghostly dagger Kai was using in Goblin mode would have looked like if it was fully formed.

Shaking her head slightly, Noelle snickered and said in a teasing tone.

"I'm sure the blade matches the person"

Taking a few seconds longer than it should've, Kai realised what she meant and scowled to hide the slight tint of red on his face.

"Have I ever teased you? No, I haven't, we are teammates after all, so why don't you be nicer?"

Kai casually forgot to mention he was terrified of her just beating him up. Even the fabric of the bodysuit around her arms struggled to hold in her muscles.

Noelle snorted and said:

"Yeah, whatever... let's go this way"

Without hesitation, Noelle left Kai behind and started walking into the dense canopy. It's as if she expects Kai to follow her like an obedient puppy!

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